@cornfed avatar

Fly 150
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Fly 150
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Hi Everyone,

Been a while since I posted.. hoping for some advice.

Back in March, a wind gust blew over my 2014 Fly 150 and busted some of the plastic body work. The bike's been in the shop for a month, and they're waiting on a part that has no expected availability in the parts system, and they have no idea when it might come in.

Is there /anything/ I can do, someone I can reach out to, to see when I might get my scooter back? I don't think this is the shop's fault, because they're waiting on Piaggio to get parts to them.

They said that they had a headlight come in from Vietnam that they ordered in November, and it just got there recently!

Any ideas what I can do to get my bike back before the fall?!

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2007 250 GTS, 1980 P200E, 2010 ThunderFly 190 (SOLD) 2015 Yamaha SMax (SOLD)
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You can check eBay. I've seen plenty of parts, but it really depends on what you are looking for. although since it's a 2014, there might not be very many parts available. What is broken and can it be fixed even temporarily?


You might check with scooterwest, VSO, and AF1 as well.
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63 GL, 76 Super (x2), 74 Primavera (x2), 79 P200, 06 Fly 150
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Replacement fairing pieces can be expensive and hard to find, especially on new bikes. In the meantime, you might want to consider temporarily repairing them so you can at least use the scoot. There are some good tutorials online on how to repair plastic. If the damage isn't too extensive and you work carefully it's possible to get decent results.
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