WLeuthold wrote:
Motovista wrote:
You need to carry about 4 80lb bags of cement to fill in any impassible potholes you encounter.
I could probably carry these bags with the super firm new shocks you sent to me. I am quite certain that it wouldn't bottom out even on the biggest bumps at any speed.
Wait until you hit some hard fast corners. They are phenomenal. I'm bringing my official Malossi shock adjusting tool, and you can rent it for a very nominal fee, which will of course vary depending on how close we are to anyone else who might have one.
I got some Under Armour Man Spanx yesterday. They raised my voice a couple octaves and remind me of a scene in the movie Barcelona where one of the characters is telling a girl about his cousins penchant for wet leather undergarments because they tighten as they dry. They're going to take some getting used to.
Right now I'm going through my wardrobe with the "half the clothes, twice the money," travel adage in mind and trying to decide between bringing my English Plimsoles or Aqua Shoes for something to wear at the end of the day when the boots come off.
Tomorrow I drop the hounds off with their babysitter, Wednesday I head to Tennessee and then it's North To Alaska.