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@vintage_red_matthew avatar
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I have agreed to organize the gift exchange this year and it's time to get started. Many of the details, such as the sign-up cut off date have not yet been finalized but you can sign up now. The price range should be about $10-20. The selection of givers and receivers will be random and your recipient will not be the same as your giver although I may consider special requests. The user name and address of your recipient will be given to you the day after the sign-up cutoff. The participants will be announced but who they are paired with will be a surprise until the gift arrives. Ideally the gift should be scooter related but any thoughtful gift will be fine.

I want this to be a fun activity. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make things go more smoothly I am open to suggestions. I don't want to be a downer but in the past we have had problems with some people not sending gifts. Please don't sign up if you don't think you will send one.

If you want to participate PM me you mailing address. I will try to match people up with others on the same continent but let me know if you are willing to ship internationally.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to this.
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PM sent.

Thank you for organizing this!
@darqmommy avatar

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Time to send something interesting.
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Sending a pm and yes thanks for taking this on.

Please make sure darqmommy gets me.
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PM sent - thanks for organizing this year's festivities. Can't believe it's been another year...
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I was just thinking about this. I havent been able to participate in a couple years, and am looking forward to jumping back in this year.
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Looking forward to my first year.

PM Sent!
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Ho Ho Ho!
PM sent!

Thanks Matthew!
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PM sent. Happy Hanukkah!!!
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I am of course, in. . .
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Yup. sign me up for this festive concept.

Bill x
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Sign me up. PMing now.
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Matthew, thanks so much for organizing this year's gift exchange. Count me in...PM on the way.

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My thanks also, VRM. PM sent.
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PM sent. Really great of you to take this on. Well done!

I know that nobody goes into these things intending to be a deadbeat. And I'm sure we can all understand and forgive a genuine life emergency forcing someone to adjust their priorities.

But it is important that anyone signing up for this gift exchange take it seriously and follow through.

Every year since this nice tradition has begun, there have been a few people who have been left hanging, and there is really no reason why anyone should find themselves feeling like they were forgotten.

Afterthought: It's probably a good thing I'm not running this thing or I would totally state up front that I plan to name & shame the deadbeats. Maybe just the threat of being outed would be enough to nip that urge to procrastinate in the bud.
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Already? Guess it's time-just finished the last drops from Judy's honey bear.

I'm in.
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Treppenwitz wrote:
PM sent. Really great of you to take this on. Well done!

I know that nobody goes into these things intending to be a deadbeat. And I'm sure we can all understand and forgive a genuine life emergency forcing someone to adjust their priorities.

But it is important that anyone signing up for this gift exchange take it seriously and follow through.

Every year since this nice tradition has begun, there have been a few people who have been left hanging, and there is really no reason why anyone should find themselves feeling like they were forgotten.

Afterthought: It's probably a good thing I'm not running this thing or I would totally state up front that I plan to name & shame the deadbeats. Maybe just the threat of being outed would be enough to nip that urge to procrastinate in the bud.
That was rjeffb's theory on the MP3 footpeg brackets. While it did make things better, it didn't stop people from committing to the order and then never following through...

Thanks for organizing this, VRM! I haven't decided if I plan to participate or not, but I'll let you know if I'm in. And even if I don't, you can keep me in mind as a backup...
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Oooh, oooh, memememe!
I'm in Razz emoticon
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First what Trepp said is spot on. I'd blaze the quitter names on page one of a new thread entitled ASSHATS, with the stated exceptions.

Please remember this isn't a chance to get rid or regift some awful item or on the other don't hand embarrass those unable to exceed the $20 limit with extravagance. Creativity is the key to a fun exchange.

Oh, and, grumps shouldn't play.
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@darqmommy avatar

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stickyfrog wrote:
Please make sure darqmommy gets me.
I saw that, Sticky!!!
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darqmommy wrote:
stickyfrog wrote:
Please make sure darqmommy gets me.
I saw that, Sticky!!!
@vespinado avatar

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I'm in.
@darqmommy avatar

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Mmmm, so many potential presents, so little taste or class...
I just hope I don't get an ashtray on a stand.
@vintage_red_matthew avatar

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@vintage_red_matthew avatar
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I'm still not sure when to set the cutoff date. Sign ups are coming in steadily so it is not imminent. I want to give everyone who wants to join the chance but I also want to give everyone as much time as possible to select, obtain, package/wrap and mail off their gift in time. When do you think it should be? I'm thinking that if anyone does miss the deadline they will be selected for the contingincy program for the inevitable deadbeat givers. I will let everyone know when the date is getting close.
tomjasz wrote:
Please remember this isn't a chance to get rid or regift some awful item or on the other don't hand embarrass those unable to exceed the $20 limit with extravagance. Creativity is the key to a fun exchange.
Amen. Please try to stick to the price limit. My first thought was a $10 limit and if that's what you want to give that's fine. That's what I paid for gift that I gave last year.

The following members have signed up and sent me their mailing addresses. If your user name is not on this list and it should be or it is and it shouldn't be let me know.

strike, darqmommy, stickyfrog, voneschenbach, racerjack44, rae, Bill Dog, okcgravity, davidmasse, TBall, DailyRider28465, blackrod, Knight Train, honeyV, floridan, TN_Sooner, Treppenwitz, fledermaus, wmak, Madison Sully, vespinado.
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vintage red matthew wrote:
The following members have signed up and sent me their mailing addresses. If your user name is not on this list and it should be or it is and it shouldn't be let me know.

It's actually Strick.

Although strike is a cool name, it's not me! Razz emoticon
@vintage_red_matthew avatar

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Oh. I left one name off the list:

vintage red matthew
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Strick wrote:
vintage red matthew wrote:
The following members have signed up and sent me their mailing addresses. If your user name is not on this list and it should be or it is and it shouldn't be let me know.

It's actually Strick.

Although strike is a cool name, it's not me! Razz emoticon
I know what your user name is. I had a lot of trouble with autocorrect when entering the names.
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darqmommy wrote:
Mmmm, so many potential presents, so little taste or class...
I just hope I don't get an ashtray on a stand.
The shipping on a Chinese scooter would make it too $$$
@shiftless avatar

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Holiday Gift Exchange
Sounds good...Sent my PM
Count me in
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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The Not So Normals do abide!
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PM Sent.
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gift giving good, gift getting gooder!
I am In!
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Is it that time of year already?

When's the cut off? I'm in.
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In! Pm sent.
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In! PM Sent.
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In addition to the user names listed previously we have:

ravenlore, SoCalGuy, Vader19, ScooterRaton, Die_Wespe_Kind, ckaiserca, triol1, CJScoot, Syd, MJRally, yanobobano, shiftless, rudderpeadles, Huskyteer, CrazyCarl and Dr Zoidberg

As for the cutoff date it will happen soon after new sign-ups stop coming in, which is to say "not yet". Immediately after the cutoff I will repost a complete list.

Remember to be officially singed up you must PM me your mailing address.

I have been copying the addresses to a notepad. It's interesting to see where some of the user names come from. Most are some kind of derivation of the users name or location. ScooterRaton is from Boca. Whoda' thunk it?
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Really? I always thought he was from the New Mexico Colorado border!
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I'm in, PM Sent
Hi! How about some shopping tips?

For example, buying things from ScooterWest is problematic if they are coming to Canada because of shipping and the border crossing.

I may have to get creative (but probably not as creative as DarqMommy).

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PM sent.

I suppose I shouldn't send someone my busted variator or old, worn drive belts. Time to spoil a new or old friend with sumptin' nice.

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PM sent from VA!
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