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2011 Vespa GTV 300 ie
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2011 Vespa GTV 300 ie
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Hey guys,

I wanted to run this by you before I went ahead any further. I'm looking to replace the beautiful, but short, GTV leather seat for my 2011 Vespa with this http://www.sip-scootershop.com/en/products/sport+seat+piaggio+for+vespa+_pi605677 Gel seat. Will the seat fit no problem? Secondly, I'm thinking of having it re-upholstered with a matching leather, do you see any problems there? I've attached a picture of my current seat. I also have a Vespa storage case attached to the back, although you can't really tell in the picture.

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@joe_schmoe avatar

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There shouldn't be any fitment issues at all. I've had trouble finding good leather that looks like the GTV leather that comes from the factory.

These guys seem to have the best matching leather but I haven't seen it in person. http://www.pirateupholstery.com/photos/scooterseats/
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2011 Vespa GTV 300 ie
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@timmymac avatar
2011 Vespa GTV 300 ie
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Are you suggesting buying the leather myself and bringing it to an upholsterer? I hadn't thought of that. Seems somewhat risky, considering I wouldn't be able to check it out first...but probably cheaper.
@af1_racing avatar

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the brown Vespa leather is pretty close to the Ford King Ranch leather package color and texture.

Couple guys here have those trucks, and its a very durable leather which you'd want for outdoor use.

See if your upholstery guy has a sample of that.
@joe_schmoe avatar

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@joe_schmoe avatar
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TimmyMac wrote:
Are you suggesting buying the leather myself and bringing it to an upholsterer? I hadn't thought of that. Seems somewhat risky, considering I wouldn't be able to check it out first...but probably cheaper.
Not really. I was trying to say you should either send it to a company that claims their leather is similar or try hitting up your local upholstery shops to see if they can match it. I've tried finding that leather and have been unsuccessful so far.
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