Some civic duties suck. Everyone pretends they don't suck, but they do - like jury duty. That one really sucks. You have to hang out for a while with a bunch of losers who are dummies, listening to other dummies sue one another over dummy stuff. Who cares about that stuff! Due process? Fuck that! Send everyone to the slammer, and we're good! I believe that's how Quitter Francis deals with his jury duty stints.
But you know what type of civic duty doesn't suck? Hangin' with Quitters SC! We are all sorts of fun, including merriment, enjoyment, libations, consumption, and all sorts of other fancy words! We meet every other Wednesday at the Connecticut Yankee on 17th and Connecticut @ 7:30pm. As far as civic duties go, this could be the easiest to fulfill - and definitely the ones with the best chicken wings.
So join us for a great time, and as an added bonus, come celebrate Quitter Oz's GF's birthday with us on her birthday week!