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@pommy_paul avatar
nifty 50,Honda Dio,tgb,piaggio zip,Vmoto Monza,LX50,GT200l,PX200
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Hi guys what's this metal pipe comming out of my LX exaust?
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@pommy_paul avatar

nifty 50,Honda Dio,tgb,piaggio zip,Vmoto Monza,LX50,GT200l,PX200
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@pommy_paul avatar
nifty 50,Honda Dio,tgb,piaggio zip,Vmoto Monza,LX50,GT200l,PX200
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Comes from here
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@der_blechfahrer avatar
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It's called SLS in German (Sekundärluftsystem, secondary air system).

Makes the exhaust breathe air, so that some of the unburnt fuel can be oxydized in the hot exhaust. It's a poor man's catalyst.
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