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I'll start:

The first time I took my spare wheel off I undid all the nuts including those on the rim causing it to split in two. Laughing emoticon
@ricky_cantley avatar

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3 weeks ago I Rebuilt PX autolube top end and fitted a premix carb in error the engine lasted about 70 miles before terminally heat seizing.

4 weeks ago I refitted the engine into my GTR and forgot to tighten the flywheel trashing the mazz race crank.

Guess the old saying - if it is working you haven't tried hard enough to fix it is true
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i bought a vespa in the 80s
@ricky_cantley avatar

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Re: start
[quote="T5bitza69"]i bought a vespa in the 80s[/quote

Sold an original paint Italian Import 150 sprintveloce with a kitted engine for £900 in 2003 cause I was getting out of scooters

Now own a Moto Guzzi Cali 1400. Wife has a Buddy 125
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Now own a Moto Guzzi Cali 1400. Wife has a Buddy 125
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I got married...
@dwight_schmidt avatar

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Sold my 1970 Rally 180 years ago. Still hurts.
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C'mon, Dwight! They didn't have Vespas or even motorcycles 180 years ago. Razz emoticon

So many I had to think for a while...

The first largeframe motor I rebuilt was going well & in the stand for testing. Ran nicely and I wanted to check on the clutch action so as I usually do, I put a box end wrench over the clutch arm for leverage & pulled hard. Nothing... HARDER! The 'ker-pop/ping' noise was a mystery until I discovered I was pulling the WRONG way. A real 'Oh Shit!' moment when I saw the fresh hole in the middle of the clutch cover.

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Lemons to lemonade: From a tip I picked up here I made a pointed bolt & nut w/ a key to convert it into a crank pusher for easy crank removal. Later made another bolt w/ a clutch nut welded on the head for a crank puller as well to gently pull the crank into place.

My ONLY screw up that actually turned out to be useful beyond lesson learned.
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I thought Id keep the cylinder head washers nice and tidy on the rods when I took off the head...
After torquing it down it became apparent Id left one in between the head and the cylinder...AAGHHH!
I think Ive got a crack in the head...its just been too grotty here to open her open......again
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For the first time I went to unbolt the selector rod to replace the cruciform......ummm that didn't go as planned if you know what I mean. I ended up with a free spinning selector rod and no threads to get the cruciform.

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SOLD ALL MY SCOOTS Crying or Very sad emoticon

62vnb , 71 sprint ,1974 vespa90
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62vnb , 71 sprint ,1974 vespa90
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Hands up all those who have dropped the clutch woodruff into the motor .
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Let me count,
Didn't torque the flywheel down (but thank fully put the shroud on) and got eager to test start the Primavera. Shroud kept it from flying off into my leg.

- Tried to do a wheelie in front of my buddies in a gas station lot. Ended up goosing the throttle and standing behind the bike with it up on the back wheel and the rear rack. (Smallie) Alcohol may have been involved.
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Went riding with my iPhone 6+ in my back pocket... at least it was in there for part of the ride.
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^ Same here. I rode back and watched in horror as two cars ran over it. Incredibly, it survived thanks to the case.
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