monogodo wrote:
My top 3 if-it's-on-I'll-watch-it-no-matter-where-in-the-movie-it-is SciFi movies (in no particular order):
Fifth Element
Starship Troopers
I love Galaxy Quest. It is one of my "perfect movies"*. Everything just works; the casting is right on; it's a brilliant spoof without a mean bone in its body; perhaps the best Star Trek movie ever made. It's not easy to make fun of something (in this case some
things: both Star Trek and the Trekkie culture) and show affection for it at the same time.
I read Starship Troopers not long after it was first published. When I saw the movie, I didn't get the supposed irony of it - that it was actually deriding the fascist elements of the society rather than embracing them. I guess it was too subtle for me at the time. I should re-watch it.
*For me, a "perfect movie" (or song, or book, etc.) isn't necessarily great. But everything about it fits together perfectly in a very satisfying way no matter how many times I experience it. Examples are the aforementioned Blade Runner, plus Moonstruck, Fawlty Towers, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. There are more.
Oh, and J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos.