My GTS wouldn't start this morning and I was already late - so I fired up the BEAST (PX200). Started on second kick (I don't keep a battery in it) and we roared to work. Nothing like the smell of a two stroke in the morning! I got to work and promptly parked next to a brand new Sprint (I think). I stood there for a bit admiring how different the two scoots look - Vespas sure have come a long way!
I've had battery issues the last month or so with my GTS. I have resorted to disconnecting the battery and hooking it up to a battery tender every weekend to top up (my garage has no outlets). My ride into work every morning is only 5 miles - and I don' t think that's long enough for the GTS to charge the battery on an everyday basis? Also thinking it might just be time to replace the battery - it's a 2010 GTS and the battery is still the original. Batteries just die after some time, don't they?
Glad to have the BEAST around - wish the GTS had a kickstart!
Generations Collide! Old vs. New!