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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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I saved my pennies for bodywork and a new paint job for my T5, but every time I see a nice scooter for sale I get the urge to buy it and leave the dents in my old T5.
Assuming both run pretty well, 77 P200 or 86 PX150?
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63 GL, 76 Super (x2), 74 Primavera (x2), 79 P200, 06 Fly 150
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63 GL, 76 Super (x2), 74 Primavera (x2), 79 P200, 06 Fly 150
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The P200... no replacement for displacement. Or fix up the T5.

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Youve already got the best out of those 3 imo,would like to see an old bubble vespa sat next to my px,gs or vbb
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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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I bought the PX150e, from a guy nearby, it's in good shape with no dents , just a little rust on the floorboard. Only 201 miles with the original 86 title. It's been sitting in a garage for 30 years. I rode it today, and it runs well, not as fast as the T5 but not bad. The electric start still works.
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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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Molto Verboso
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71' Sprint Veloce , 05' Vespa PX150, 1978 P200E
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I love your PX150, it is beautiful and with that low mileage is a win -win situation. I like to endorse the bigger displacement suggstions. I have had the 150cc and the 200cc and the torque is night and day.

I can't say that you didn't do well though. Congrats!
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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Is that an arcobaleno/lusso model? I think it is based on the tags
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Yes it is, the scooter came with a modification booklet that says Arcobaleno.
It is slower, but I might be able to make it go a little faster.

Molto Verboso
Lambretta GP200, Vespa P200e, Motovespa do Brasil PX200E
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Molto Verboso
Lambretta GP200, Vespa P200e, Motovespa do Brasil PX200E
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nice color. Good condition. Clean, polish and wax and it will sparkle. Ditch the garbage US tractor tail light and its a beauty!
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