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GTS 300 ie - traded in; Honda CB300FA; Honda Ruckus scooter
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@michael_b avatar
GTS 300 ie - traded in; Honda CB300FA; Honda Ruckus scooter
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Location: Toronto, Canada
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Yesterday was a gorgeous autumn day in south-central Ontario.
13 degrees C, sunny, just a slight wind. Went for a ride to a forest 60 km north of my place. There I hiked and relaxed on the soft leaf-upholstered ground.
From the long-range forecast it seems it could be the last weekend ride.
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@xantufrog avatar

1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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@xantufrog avatar
1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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Looks like a great ride! Why are you giving up before the weather forces you to?
@michael_b avatar

GTS 300 ie - traded in; Honda CB300FA; Honda Ruckus scooter
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Location: Toronto, Canada
@michael_b avatar
GTS 300 ie - traded in; Honda CB300FA; Honda Ruckus scooter
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Location: Toronto, Canada
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Hey, no giving up here However, when the temps go below 10 degrees C it makes no sense to go joy-riding out in the country, al least for me... The forecast showed steady decline in temps.
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