Ginch wrote:
I assumed - perhaps wrongly - that the Quattrini would shit all over the Parmakit. Do you know what his Parma is getting performance wise as a percentage of the Quattrini's? Not that I'll be buying either any time soon but I'd like to know.
I agree mate I thought the quatrinni would of been the one to go for but suppose it depends what your after and if you've built it right
both engines sound nothing like the typical malossi,polini,dr tractors and they go like the clappers,first time I saw a vespa pull power wheelies on his parma
he said for the money the parmakit wins hands down,could be down to luck when setting up an engine,who knows
also not sure which quattrini he was using,there is a direct port and rotary isn't there? sure he was on a mazz 57mm crank/aircooled 177cc parma though and it sounded like a wasp on a mission