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I'll be away for 3 weeks will the battery be okay as the scooter sits?
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Budz wrote:
I'll be away for 3 weeks will the battery be okay as the scooter sits?


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SDG wrote:
Budz wrote:
I'll be away for 3 weeks will the battery be okay as the scooter sits?
Unless it's not.
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If it's less than say three years old, has been well looked after, then almost certainly Yes, unless you've had issues with it before.

If it's four years old or more, then it's a crap-shoot. Are you feeling lucky? If it does appear dead when you get back to it, be thankful you've had timely warning of battery failure before the weather gets colder.

Personally I'd never be worried about leaving it for three weeks. I'd expect it to be good on return, but if it didn't want to start the scoot on my return I'd just replace it <shrug>. They have to be treated as consumables.
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As Jim said, if you have a battery that won't hold a charge for 3 weeks - replace it.
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Re: away for 3 weeks, will battery be okay
Budz wrote:
I'll be away for 3 weeks will the battery be okay as the scooter sits?
More to the point, will you be OK after three scooter free weeks? How will you cope?
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Shouldn't be a problem if you've got a good battery. I suggest est you make sure the battery's fully charged before you leave on your trip.

I'm away for 6-8 weeks at a time and have never had an battery issue with cars, motorcycles or my scooters. All started w/o the need for charging.

Worry less, ride more!

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My wife's LX125ie3v is now three years old and, in contrast to me, she doesn't ride during winter. Every month or so I take her LX for a tour of some 20 minutes to refresh the battery and it's still in good shape. So, no need to worry
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Thanks everybody, my GTS 300 is a 2016 w/680 miles so it should be okay...
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No worries. Even my temperamental LX starts up. He hates to not be ridden. Laughing emoticon He loves attention. Razz emoticon
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judy wrote:
No worries. Even my temperamental LX starts up. He hates to not be ridden. Laughing emoticon He loves attention. Razz emoticon
Like most males, Judy.
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ROFL emoticon ROFL emoticon
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You just ought to buy a tender. They are cheap and will actually extend the life of your battery. I have this one...


You can get cheaper but this one is pretty sweet.
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howdy, I was just gone for 10 weeks and the scoots both started upon return. now for some good weather!!!!!!!!

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