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I broke my injector

Anyone familiar with GTS 250ie fuel injector?
Changed the head gasket; after I changed the head gasket I put everything back together and fired it up the scooter had a difficult time idling so I just blipped the throttle once in a while, after about ten minutes everything was warmed up, no leaks it looked all okay. Got on the scooter for a quick run, but, it was running real rough, would not rev up.
I noticed during reassembly there was a fitting on the injector that was loose, must have bumped it during the overhaul, it looks like it was just glued with double contact tape, so I wiggled it. That was a mistake; the bike will not start anymore.
I took a picture of what I think is the failure - anyone familiar with this? I am hoping to repair and not have to replace.

Injector - arrows point to where there is a small separation of what looks like double contact tape
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I've broken two of those dang things in six years. I tried resoldering the wires back together both times. No soap. I think it's a design flaw. You will soon find out that they aren't cheap.
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Not sure when I broke it I thought I was careful not to put too much pressure on anything.
I have seen two different prices not counting shipping it was anywhere between $54 and $64 yikes -Did you have any success with the repairs?
And, I am curious were there any other parts needed when you replaced those injectors?
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The 250 injector is a standard item code IWP158, used on all sorts of vehicles. Google it. But they are usually sold in sets of 4 or 6 for cars, so good luck finding a single one - if your Vespa dealer can't help.

They are made by Magneti Marelli, and use on Fiats for one.

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Mike Holland wrote:
The 250 injector is a standard item code IWP158, used on all sorts of vehicles. Google it. But they are usually sold in sets of 4 or 6 for cars, so good luck finding a single one - if your Vespa dealer can't help.

They are made by Magneti Marelli, and use on Fiats for one.

Very interesting on the IWP158, I can get them for around $20, Thank You for that information. Do you know if it is a straight forward swap? ( I realize the bracket will need to be changed out)
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Yes, you just need to pull out one metal clip to separate the plastic hose connector, and switch it over. But be careful of the electrical connector on the side as it is delicate (as you have discovered).

To disconnect the electrics, press on the wire clip on the sides of the plug to dis-engage it. When you re-attach it, ensure the plug is all the way home so that the wire clip engages (had mine come loose last week!).

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Sorry, small correction. The standard injector is IWP182, which has a flow rate of 158 cc/min at 3 bar pressure.

I have fitted an IWP158, which has a flow rate of 170 cc/min, to my GTS250 to get a slightly richer mixture.

Numbers and flow rates confusing me!


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Just saw this post.
I have exactly the same situation. My injector looks just like that.
Engine cranks but won't start. Spent a good part of the day troubleshooting and thought the injector looked a little fishy to me
Could this be the culprit? is there a way to check it?

By the way - its listed in scooter west for $63.95
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asor wrote:
Just saw this post.
I have exactly the same situation. My injector looks just like that.
Engine cranks but won't start. Spent a good part of the day troubleshooting and thought the injector looked a little fishy to me
Could this be the culprit? is there a way to check it?

By the way - its listed in scooter west for $63.95
Seems like a good aftermarket product would be a protector for it after what I am reading? Crash bars for the thing that squirts?

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Yep, they're fragile. And expensive - over $100AUD from the importer here.

My first broke during warranty. Australian importer was unhelpful, even rude: it was the obvious diagnosis yet not offered by them (would have saved a long trailer run). And worse, the importer did not have an injector in stock, according to my dealer.

I think if I were on a long backroad run, I would seriously consider carrying one, expensive or no. I *may* have got my GTS250 airborne over bumps .. once or twice ...
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I ordered my IWP158 from China (Aliibaba), and it cost me AUD38.33, including postage.

But it was difficult finding a supplier who would sell a single injector. They usually come in batches of 10 or 20.


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Anything special about removing/installing the injector?
It looks straight forward. Remove hoses then remove center bolt and pull out injector.
Any tips on preserving the electrical connector that is so sensitive. Is it best to attach the connection after installing the injector or is there an advantage to put the connector on before installing the injector (not sure if this is even possible).

Are any computer adjustments needed after the install? or is this a "plug n play"?


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Mike Holland wrote:
I ordered my IWP158 from China (Aliibaba), and it cost me AUD38.33, including postage.

But it was difficult finding a supplier who would sell a single injector. They usually come in batches of 10 or 20.

I have since taken out the injector and found that my wife's 250ie uses a IWP 182 injector. (see pic.)
I know the numbers and color band are significant - lost interest in trying to figure out what they all mean.
So, like I said, I found a site that would sell individual injectors for $20 US, but, my Malware kept on telling me it was a bad site, so I dropped that - and like you found several other sites like Alibaba that will sell bulk for very cheap or Wholesale - needing only one injector I think I will go with AF1 Racing for a complete injector assembly - no rush now the weather is changing and she said she will not be riding until it warms up, we are cooling down now on this side of earth.
Magneti Marelli IWP 182
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asor wrote:
Anything special about removing/installing the injector?
It looks straight forward. Remove hoses then remove center bolt and pull out injector.
Any tips on preserving the electrical connector that is so sensitive. Is it best to attach the connection after installing the injector or is there an advantage to put the connector on before installing the injector (not sure if this is even possible).

Are any computer adjustments needed after the install? or is this a "plug n play"?


Hi Rich;

This has been the first time for me - seems like it's just plug and play, broke mine because I was careless and unaware of how easy it was to break

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Thanks - I should have it this week. I'm really nervous about that connector. I'll have to be in a "scooter zen" frame of mind when I attempt to install it.

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got it today. Took me as long to take it out of the box as it did to install.

I was very careful with the connector. Its a bit more robust than I was imagining, but better to be safe.

After the install, I closed my eyes and turned the key - BATTABING -started right up.

Thanks rajron for starting this post. I had started my own a few days before about trouble shooting my starting problems. A fellow member cited your post in mine. After reading it, it helped me put the two together and now I'm back on the road.
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