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Happy birthday Bill, and many, many happy returns of the day.
@bill_dog avatar

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eeeee bip
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And Malcolm X was in London on the day of my birth I believe.

Thank you all for your wishes.

It's really sweet of you all.

Bill xxx
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@capitano avatar
ET4 Pre-Leader 125 "Velocipede" '92 Honda C90 Cub '97 Yamaha 600 Diversion
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51 is a weird birthday. I remember thinking, "... but I've only just got used to being 50!"
@amateriat avatar

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Capitano wrote:
51 is a weird birthday. I remember thinking, "... but I've only just got used to being 50!"
Try turning 60. (Raises hand.)
@ravenlore avatar

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Molto Verboso
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Belated Happies!
@treppenwitz avatar

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saggezza di scala
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I was in the air, so I missed it.

Happy belated birthday!
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Happy belated birthday wish to you.
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