I've had a few sport bikes....been riding for 20+ years. Pics of my most recent for show...
I like to ride and enjoy motorcycles. Okay, a bit of an addict, but like any addict, I admitted and come to terms I may have a problem. I am now working to scale back my addiction. Since a recent injury that involved pins, plates, screws, a still ongoing recovery, I have done some soul searching. I am making decisions to scale back on my risk and I'm selling the motorcycles. I have a family and kids and I've come to terms after this injury that riding at 60-90mph+ aggressively and hitting the back rounds in NE PA just isn't in my future anymore (at least not now). The thought of selling my Vespa didn't even cross my mind. It's NOT going. I love two wheels. I like using it to "go places". I am not doing a lot of back road riding on it, but I find that I enjoy it more and it has more every day utility. It's not white knuckle riding but it's often way more fun. I'm an experienced rider and had my share of close calls, but I can tell you that the way I ride the Vespa is inherently a lot less risk. There is less speed, acceleration, and less things happening as quickly as my sport bikes. I enjoy it for what it is - the ride and just going places. Definitely worth it. if you're after the adrenaline, I think you'll be disappointed. Looking for ease of use, utility, and plain fun then you won't go wrong with getting a Vespa.