Hi everyone!
First thank you to everyone for all the help I have received in the past. I really appreciate the communities willingness to help!
My buddy had a 1974 Vespa Super that unfortunately got it's body bent in a crash. He is okay by the way. Anyhoos, my buddy has offered me his gas tank. I have a vespa super 1966 that has the old style gas tank, not oil injected. Since my super actually has a P200 engine in it, I figured, why not have my scoot mix it's own oil. We already drilled a hole in the body for the oil spy glass and got everything lined up correctly. There is just one last annoying problem, it seems like the choke cable is getting pulled.
The choke cable in mine is in a different place (higher up) than his super. The piece of medal tubing (the part of the body) that the outer cable sits in is holding the cable out too far. When installing the gas tank, it pushes the cable away from it, making it not seated correctly, which in turn keeps the choke engaged.
To me it seems like there are two options, cut the metal tubing down to give it enough space or move the choke (drill another hole).
Has anyone down this before? Any advice?