@rajawali avatar

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good day fellow riders,
anyone has the scomandi scooters,looks very cool.
@andythebuilder avatar

250 gts, nitroed zip 69cc " the teenager", 200 now 300 lc zip "all grown up"
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@andythebuilder avatar
250 gts, nitroed zip 69cc " the teenager", 200 now 300 lc zip "all grown up"
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plastic fantastic?
I would not put my money into an overpriced plastic ,outdated , mechanically inferior scooter, outsourced for the cheapest parts possible,
The scooters are then "hand finished" in the UK, (reassembled out of the crate they came from, probably China or timbuktu or wherever the labour to produce it is the cheapest)
Have you seen how much the 200 costs?, it makes a vespa 300 look a bargain. After dealing with there creator i would not like to try and get any warranty issues solved either.
If you like the look of one,the i would wait for a year or so, as i would think the value of them will depreciate fast.
Just my 2c worth
@trotter avatar

Roughhouse Sport. Buddy 150(sold)
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Roughhouse Sport. Buddy 150(sold)
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Fast but plastic
@pawsher avatar

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Always said I would never buy an Auto ... but took the plunge and bought a Scomadi 50cc. Yes its plastic, chinese engine etc ..... but its a tried and tested 139QMB engine. Rides well and pleased with it to be honest.
Ive always ridden PX's and have a 1967 Vespa 50s, but use the Scomadi as my daily commute to work. Upto now, no problems with it. Ive part derestricted it via the cdi, next is exhaust & rollers. Seat is rock hard but I've recovered it.
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1997 T5 Classic
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1997 T5 Classic
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I was gonna buy one to convert to a gts vespa engine but even though it was 6 months old it had bad electrical issues and I walked away

got a T5 vespa now, not looking back

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