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My GTS 300 has a USB connection in the glove box. Can this be used as a power supply for a GoPro/dashcam ?
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Yes it can. Powered only with key in the on position.

I've got both my dash cam and iPhone mounted top side. I use the splitter cable below. Pic attached. Easy install.

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I power the GPS from the 12v cig outlet and I keep my phone in the glovebox powered from the USB. It is a Samsung and is not on the list of compatible makes but nevertheless it works and connects to my helmet Sena unit via Bluetooth.
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ET4-150 ( Called ET8 in HKG )
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Installing this USB in '14 Primavera
My son asked me to install a USB outlet in his scoot.
After some research I settled on these.
Twin USB rated at 2.1A on both plugs.
Mostly his trips are quite short (HKG) so the extra rating
will be good for both the phone and extra battery.
Relay fuse replaced with 5A (Orig 30A although 3A would probably do)
Will wire directly to battery and trigger relay via low beam.
Need to replace the rear brake cable so ideal time to add the wiring when the panels come off.
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