I need your help with some issues with my turn signals and running lights. I bought these from SIP (http://www.sip-scootershop.com/main/base/Details.aspx?ProductNumber=mv000475&_language=en) for my 2016 GTS 300 and had my local Vespa dealer install them. They are not working correctly and I took my bike back 3 times and they still can't correct the problems. The issues I am having with the turn signals are, they work initially but after riding for an hour or more they stop flashing and stay on, then I turn them off and back on again they work again and sometimes the flashing is at longer intervals than normal. The running lights are on but sometime the right one is out and sometimes it's on depending on it's mood I suppose. The parts I received from SIP were all OEM Piaggio products. Any advice on where to start or what the issues might be? There aren't any other Vespa dealers near by in my area for a second opinion...
Thanks in advance