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ianfromnyc wrote:
You might have some competition...

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If you'll recall, I only said it was too far to ride by myself...

With a buddy, it might be fun!

[edit: Okay, maybe I never actually said that. The intent is still the same, though.]
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Wow.... a horseracing tie in with Scooter Tag! I loved Azeri and her quest to match Cigar's record...

I know exactly where this one is. Though, the recent addition to our family (infant son, Maks Haydn) is making it hard to get out on 'pleasure' scoots.
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Maybe we'll go get it or just have fun looking. I have NO idea where this is but the adventure of "finding or not finding" is what we are all about.
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The SLR to Dmr angle was somewhat popular at the Del Mar meet this year. Trainer Peter Miller was able to bring over a number of horses that won.
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Thanks for the hint. How old is your baby? Boy or girl? I remember those days. Enjoy them they go quickly. Our babies are now 18 and 20 (sigh) seems like yesterday! Duh! I just reread your son. See when they get old your mind goes from all the years they tested you Laughing emoticon
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Well we had to do this on our Bonnie because..

Owr Schcooter iz in zee Shoppe!

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Nice! Where the new picture????????
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Woohoo! The first tag for Matt and Melanie, nice going! 8)

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Great! The contest remains in North County... after capturing the latest pic on a Triumph. (Is that even fair? If it is, then I should have followed my instinct and took a picture of me at San Luis Rey Downs on one of the three trips to Bonsall I made last week in my work truck!)

If the next pic shows Badpenguins scooter overlooking the Diamond Valley Reservoir, I'm gonna quit...
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GeoEnvi wrote:
Great! The contest remains in North County... after capturing the latest pic on a Triumph. (Is that even fair? If it is, then I should have followed my instinct and took a picture of me at San Luis Rey Downs on one of the three trips to Bonsall I made last week in my work truck!)

If the next pic shows Badpenguins scooter overlooking the Diamond Valley Reservoir, I'm gonna quit...
Come on Geo.... it's just a game between a group of friends, and Badpenguin did something the San Diego guys haven't done in the past three weeks, which is get out and ride to take a picture. I posted the other day that you could load up your scooter in your truck and take a pic if it's too far to scoot!

I rode from Fallbrook to La Jolla to get the tag, took about an hour and a half each way. If it's bothering you that the tag is in North County, then you know what to do, right?

No one is winning a prize or making any money on the game, it's really just about fun....getting out in different parts of the county, seeing the countryside....the ride is it's own reward. I hope one of you SD guys comes up to North County soon just to enjoy the ride. And I hope you know that the good natured ribbing I give you SD guys is all in fun.
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Where's the fun in 'scooter' tag that features a motorcycle as the most recent score?

I'm all for getting out and riding, but how fun is it for the 'real' Razz emoticon San Diegans when 2 or 3 North County or Riverside riders are getting all the action? When the tag spots were in the metro SD area, they were changing every couple days. Now it seems like a week between tags. It makes sense though: How many of us can make it 40 miles north during the week? I've known the location of the last 2 of 3, just couldn't make it out. And the work truck (County of San Diego property) is just not an option!

I mean no disrespect to anyone (and I enjoying the return ribbing Laughing emoticon ); just expressing my frustration with the way things have gone...
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I only saw four of you playing in SD... Rex, KS, You and VP1. Up here Matt & Patty, Badpenguin & melanie, and myself have participated so far.

If it's really giving you heartburn, and all the other Metro players feel the same way, why don't you guys have a SD Metro tag? Then we'd have a North County/South Riverside tag.

I am not advocating this, just offering a suggestion if the majority of the SD Metro players feel the same way.

KS, Rex, VP, Matt & Pat, Badpenguin & Melanie, what do you guys think?


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Party crashers?
Len Smith wrote:

I only saw four of you playing in SD... Rex, KS, You and VP1. Up here Matt & Patty, Badpenguin & melanie, and myself have participated so far.

If it's really giving you heartburn, and all the other Metro players feel the same way, why don't you guys have a SD Metro tag? Then we'd have a North County/South Riverside tag.

I am not advocating this, just offering a suggestion if the majority of the SD Metro players feel the same way.

KS, Rex, VP, Matt & Pat, Badpenguin & Melanie, what do you guys think?


Well, the way I see it, these scooter-tag games are like attending rallies, or a party, or any other social event. Here's why:

Participation is entirely voluntary. Some people travel great distances to attend a rally, or a party etc. Others don't. Some (nearly every) scooter rally's are attended by someone on a motorcycle, almost without exception. Nobody denies them access from being there.

Secondly, like rallies etc., the idea is to promote scooter-community, scooter mobility, and FUN. The scooter tag game, (brainchild of RitchJ I believe, forgive me if my fact-checking is unchecked) has been a breath of fresh air on MV, IMO as well as fun. A reason to scoot. A mission to scoot to. An opportunity to learn/see/find new things about our (general) area.

If there is indeed enough general heartburn among the (active) San Diegans "playng" the game, about No. County locations, etc., then I will graciously stop crashing the party, and stay on my own side of the tracks.

I would prefer not to, allowing me the same opportunity to travel as deeply into San Diego as my little wheels care to take me, and allowing the San Diegans to do the same Northward into No. County, or dare suggest even SW R'side county. Blasphemy? I don't think so.

So, as much as I'd prefer to play a larger area with more people (leave things as they are), if it's going to be a problem, then we can split it off, and play a smaller region with fewer players, and let that be that.
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I'll do the next tag somewhere closer to the metro area (BUT NOT TO CLOSE) You have to do some riding. Hopefully my scoot will be ready to go...but if not..you guys have to bear with my motorcycles!
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I appreciate the discussion, but you NoCo guys/gals are screwed if I get the tag back again! Razz emoticon

Ever been to 'scenic' Jacumba? Laughing emoticon
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GeoEnvi wrote:
I appreciate the discussion, but you NoCo guys/gals are screwed if I get the tag back again! Razz emoticon

Ever been to 'scenic' Jacumba? Laughing emoticon
Not YET!

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GeoEnvi wrote:
I appreciate the discussion, but you NoCo guys/gals are screwed if I get the tag back again! Razz emoticon

Ever been to 'scenic' Jacumba? Laughing emoticon
Better yet, "scenic" downtown San Ysidro.
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pcbikedude wrote:
GeoEnvi wrote:
I appreciate the discussion, but you NoCo guys/gals are screwed if I get the tag back again! Razz emoticon

Ever been to 'scenic' Jacumba? Laughing emoticon
Better yet, "scenic" downtown San Ysidro.
Just don't bring Jamul into this.... Razz emoticon
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I think everything is going fine. It's up in north county cause they came down here to get one. It's only seems fair that we would have to go capture it from up there. I think that's part of the fun. I would have done it a long time ago but I'm have some little engine problems I need to sort out before I take a trip that far from home. They earned the right to take the game up there, we just need to earn the right to bring it back down
Don't worry Geo, we'll make them pay for it when the games gets back down here

Tijuana is close enough to San Diego to count right? I kid...
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the ONE thing though. This is SCOOTER tag. I think the motorcycles should stay in the garage for this game. It'd be like doing the Cannonball in an airplane....
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VP1 wrote:
the ONE thing though. This is SCOOTER tag. I think the motorcycles should stay in the garage for this game. It'd be like doing the Cannonball in an airplane....
Especially motorcycles that haven't appeared in a new photo for 4 days...
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4 Realz.
Whats the deal Penguin?
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Matt, Pat, Ken...you want to take this one? With all the threats of Tijuana...let's try to keep it up here as long as possible!Scream emoticon

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nice one.

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Badpenguin, being a very good sport, has allowed me to post these in an effort to restore harmony to our game. Fair warning, though - next time y'all get cranky, I'll grab the flag and plant it in Julian. Then you'll have to take a loooong ride, get the flag and have some cupcake.
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hey now! I know where that one is. If nobody grabs it in the next couple of days I'll have to do it over the weekend.
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If someone waits until the weekend, it will be GONE.

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I'd do it sooner but you know, I have that silly day job I have to go to. It really gets in the way.
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I know the feeling...all this work is starting to cut into my riding time.
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badpenguin wrote:
Matt, Pat, Ken...you want to take this one? With all the threats of Tijuana...let's try to keep it up here as long as possible!Scream emoticon

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Can this photo be used since it was taken before the game started!
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Hi Steve,

It's not being used, Badpenguin gave the tag to Karen.

Hope all is well in Poway!

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schipper wrote:
hey now! I know where that one is. If nobody grabs it in the next couple of days I'll have to do it over the weekend.
hahaha, i just found it on the net too... go grab it, but I may go for it as well!!! should we meet up for a double tag and branch off in 2 directions to freak people out?

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that is a most evil idea.....you go to TJ and I'll go to Brawley. Fantastic! Those north county types won't know what hit them.
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You guys just wait until I get my scoot runnin good again!
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badpenguin wrote:
You guys just wait until I get my scoot runnin good again!
Absolutely, we'll capture the flag and bring the tag back to God's Country when the game starts lagging again down in SD.....when they least expect it....because we know their bikes can't make it up here!! Razz emoticon
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Len Smith wrote:
because we know their bikes can't make it up here!! Razz emoticon
Ouch Len! That hurts! Hahahahaha!
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grscum wrote:
Len Smith wrote:
because we know their bikes can't make it up here!! Razz emoticon
Ouch Len! That hurts! Hahahahaha!
I know yours will make it, because you've made the trek up several times! (I'm just kidding the SD people a little bit since no one has ever made it up north yet to get a tag.)
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Len Smith wrote:
grscum wrote:
Len Smith wrote:
because we know their bikes can't make it up here!! Razz emoticon
Ouch Len! That hurts! Hahahahaha!
I know yours will make it, because you've made the trek up several times! (I'm just kidding the SD people a little bit since no one has ever made it up north yet to get a tag.)
It's all in good fun!

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Everyone is acting so brave, but I am crying a little bit. On the inside, where it doesn't show.

(was that dramatic enough?)
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