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@duck204 avatar
Vespa Sprint 1970
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I have vespa sprint 1970 and i have problem with rotary valve. My fuel blow up from carb that condition become from side effect of my rotary design ?
Note : in few years ago i has been rebuild the rotari
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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What you said made little sense.
@duck204 avatar

Vespa Sprint 1970
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@duck204 avatar
Vespa Sprint 1970
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almogavar1969 wrote:
What you said made little sense.
So, what should i do ? I must porting that rotary for smooting the surface

Note : i have not done for checking the gap betwen crankshaft and rotary but if the gap betwen rotary and crankshaft has normaly i should porting the rotary or you have any suggest ?

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I think he is concerned about the fact that he is experiencing some charge reversion through the carb when kicking the bike over.

Just a guess...
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If that's the crank visible in the first picture, then its surface is shot and needs to be replaced .
Rotary pad is probably trashed, too.

Does it hold oil if you try a leak down test of the crank and pad?

I fixed my rotary pad with JB Weld when I rebuilt it, but my crank surface was good and it passed a leak down test.

Good luck!
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Vespa Sprint 1970
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@duck204 avatar
Vespa Sprint 1970
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chandlerman wrote:
If that's the crank visible in the first picture, then its surface is shot and needs to be replaced .
Rotary pad is probably trashed, too.

Does it hold oil if you try a leak down test of the crank and pad?

I fixed my rotary pad with JB Weld when I rebuilt it, but my crank surface was good and it passed a leak down test.

Good luck!
Thanks for your tips
But i have one question
I have been try a leak down test at crank pad. How long the liquid stay at crank pad if that crank pad is normal ?
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