For the curious, a link to the offending headwear:
So, its summer. My arms certainly agree that its summer after a 3 hour ride around the county this weekend. They're red as a pair of mutated elongated beets since I was too stupid to put on sunscreen. Or my mesh jacket. That might have helped a little too...
As with any rider, staying cool in the heat is of high concern and I heard about these when on a shopping trip to Lowe's. They were selling hats with this "enduracool" tech that sounds very similar to how I keep my insulin below boiling point on long rides. My question:" does it work and how well in the high humidity of NC? Its an interesting piece of tech if it works anywhere near as advertised.
But why am I offended? Because--again, if it works--WHY HAVEN'T THEY MADE SHIRTS OUTTA THIS STUFF YET???