whereshaldo wrote:
My first foray into motorized 2 wheel vehicles was a Passport I pulled from a ditch, got titled, rebuilt, rode for 4 years and then sold at a break even price. I don't want to know what happened to bend that swingarm but thats some solid ingenuity to get it back straight. In all honesty you could have just bent the other side equally to make it swaged like a fancy bicycle and you'd be considered a genius on the Pacific Rim. Even more than the Vespa, the Passport is meant to be a bike that requires almost nothing to keep it alive. You can service 99% of the bike with the sack of rusty metal that counts as a tool kit with these bikes. Even at an upgraded 88cc they are woefully underpowered and the front suspension is terrifying but I also am hard pressed to think of a more fun bike to hammer. I once dragged a peg on a turn and then realized I was only going 18mph. Its been a chase to recapture that thrill.
This one is fun, but a bit grating. The same buddy talked me into buying mine for twice the price, without documentation or a hope in hell of running without major work.
I'll share some pictures of a similar '81 Passport that I got a long time ago. Craigslist listing, no pics, crazy market (at the time)...I was at a cousin's wedding so I just sent my buddy the money to buy it.
I got a skeleton with a tweaked frame, crumbling duct-tape seat, perished wiring harness, UV-roached plastics that crumbled at a touch and no cylinder, head or carburetor. And I paid $200 for this turd with no papers.
Almost forgot the farmer-fix run flats. There were no tubes in the tires; they had been stuffed full of old garden hose. Taking those off the rims was a hoot.
I'd put time into disassembly and refurbishment of the subassemblies. It's all but ready to reassemble save for some rare bits and a few performance parts choices. It'll be a next year thing though, my 2022 queue is still pretty full and the slippage on the first two is enough as-is.