Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Anybody know if it's possible to upgrade a Vespa sprint from 6v to 12v without replacing the wiring loom?
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Hi Deze

You can buy 12v kits that have an additional set off wires that hook into the original loom.

I bought on of these kits from "the shop that shall not be mentioned here" and it was alright for the money although the stator plate eventually failed.
If you a really not keen on replacing the loom, then this kit isn't too bad. I'm sure there are other similar kits out there.

I ended up upgrading to a vespratronic with the premium SIP loom after I'd saved up some cash. Much cleaner install and I don't have to worry about it but it wasn't cheap

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I believe Beedspeed also sell a "mini loom" to do this as well.

Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Thanks Guys

I've wanted to upgrade for while, but there's no way i'm ripping out a perfectly good loom, its sounds horrendous.....

I don't mind replacing the bulbs, horn, switches etc.

It's one them, is the benefit, worth the time and money !?!?!?
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I honestly didn't find pulling a new loom all that bad. As long as you have the tank and the headset out there is plenty of access.

The 12v conversion is definitely worth it!
From memory the hardest part was getting the original flywheel off. I didn't have circlip pliers at the time. Make sure you have a pair for this job!

You'll also need some way to measure timing on your bike.
You might be able to get away with measuring it statically with a piston stopper and a degree wheel.
Instructions on making your own piston stopper and you can download and print your own degree wheel from here :

Timing gun while running is ideal.

See here for the SIP tutorial (in ze dsherman)

Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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The problem is, I've only just replaced the loom last year as the rear brake light was not working, one wire had detached from the main loom deep in the dreaded void under the fuel tank, it was a nightmare job, if the frame is bear fine, however, it was not, I didn't realise a 12v upgrade would mean a new loom otherwise I'd of done it then and now I have to realise that the 12v upgrade is never gonna be an option for this scoot.

Anyone now if you can get electric start 6v flywheels?
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Just to be clear the kits Ginch and I were mentioning do NOT require a new loom. They come with additional wires that need to be added to your existing loom.

Depending on where you want to place the new components (regulator) you won't even need to remove your fuel tank.
As mentioned the hardest part will be changing flywheels and resetting correct timing
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very much depends on which setup your sprint has. there are several different wirign setups they used and some are conductive to moving wires around, and some aren't.

however, in general, 6v battery bikes are easier to convert than non-battery.
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Changing wire looms while converting from 6v to 12v is not necessary. You still can use existing looms. Just disconnect whatever wire from your old stator coil from the loom inside the junction box.

Since you're changing from 6v to 12v, may i recommend you to change from contact breaker to CDI system. Worth every penny.

Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Vespa 150 sprint 1965
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Here lies the problem it's with the loom, I can change the stator plate to a bajaj 12v electronic start connect up the red a black wires with the cdi (bajaj) it will drive better than ever it's amazing, but there's just no way of connecting it up with the lights/ horn etc. I am using a regulator (bajaj) connecting the wires back to the loom takes away the 12v I'm getting off the stator, when not connected to the loom. There's just no information out there on wiring, what I want is to connect the bajaj 12v ignition system to an original loom. However, I don't feel it's possible
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how many connections does your regulator have ?
the three pin type is the most simple to wire
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It's possible and has been done many times. It just takes some extra wires and as shipscat said, a 12v regulator. Post some pics of your existing loom and/or the existing wiring diagram.

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