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MP3 400
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Hi All,

I've been doing the "no car" thing hardcore for about a year now and as much as I love my scoot, I need a car. So, I have to sell my baby

I could use some recommendations on good websites to post the listing on. I've already set it up on MV and Craiglist as well as shared it on my FB page, but if you've had any luck on other sites, I'd appreciate the input. I'm located in SoCal, if that is of relevance.

Thanks a bunch, in advance!

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Re: Recommendations for Good Websites to Sell My MP3
DezzieBear wrote:
Hi All,

I've been doing the "no car" thing hardcore for about a year now and as much as I love my scoot, I need a car. So, I have to sell my baby

I could use some recommendations on good websites to post the listing on. I've already set it up on MV and Craiglist as well as shared it on my FB page, but if you've had any luck on other sites, I'd appreciate the input. I'm located in SoCal, if that is of relevance.

Thanks a bunch, in advance!

Craigslist, you have to be cautious...
In my area, the local police have spaces similar to handi-cap parking to meet the person you are selling or buying from to do the transaction.

I would list on ebay as well...
See if your local dealer will take it in on consignment and you give them a commision if its sold from folks visiting their shop. From a Dealer perspective they can make as much selling your bike then a new one.

Marietta, GA

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Not to say all Craigslist buyers are safe, but I recently sold a car on Craigslist and I met some good people. To see the car, I had them come to a location near my house. It was in a strip mall parking lot where I knew there were people coming and going all the time.
I did talk to one guy who wanted to pay by check. What was he thinking?
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MP3 400
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@dezziebear avatar
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sjs1967 wrote:
Not to say all Craigslist buyers are safe, but I recently sold a car on Craigslist and I met some good people. To see the car, I had them come to a location near my house. It was in a strip mall parking lot where I knew there were people coming and going all the time.
I did talk to one guy who wanted to pay by check. What was he thinking?
SMH! Some people.

I've sold my car using Craigslist before. Took a while, but it worked out. Thanks!
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