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'64 Motovespa 150S (177) , '65 VBB, '66 Allstate SF, '66 180SS, '58 LD 125 (150)
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I want to control the speed of a 24v Razor scooter ( well, some content there) motor for a small demo wood lathe I have adapted. The stock "throttle" is just off/on. The wattage could be as high as 200. Any simple ideas ? Thanks
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'64 Motovespa 150S (177) , '65 VBB, '66 Allstate SF, '66 180SS, '58 LD 125 (150)
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'64 Motovespa 150S (177) , '65 VBB, '66 Allstate SF, '66 180SS, '58 LD 125 (150)
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Thanks. I just bought one of these. Might work ?
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