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I'm looking for a route that doesn't involve too much I-80 and I figured that some of you might have some good advice.
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And some of us might have horrible advice, buyer beware....

Zero miles on I-80

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Take the ferry to Vallejo, short trip on 80 to 12 in Fairfield. Take 12 to 113 or rio vista and take farm roads up to Sacramento.

Molto Verboso
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okcgravity wrote:
And some of us might have horrible advice, buyer beware....

Zero miles on I-80

Umm, your map comes through with nothing but I-80. Not quite what I'm looking for.
@phaskins avatar

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dmpawley wrote:
Take the ferry to Vallejo, short trip on 80 to 12 in Fairfield. Take 12 to 113 or rio vista and take farm roads up to Sacramento.
Thanks dmpawley.
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phaskins wrote:
dmpawley wrote:
Take the ferry to Vallejo, short trip on 80 to 12 in Fairfield. Take 12 to 113 or rio vista and take farm roads up to Sacramento.
Thanks dmpawley.
I'd call the ferry to make sure they'll take your scooter though. I don't want to mislead you.
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Play with Google maps a bit using the "no highways" function. Looks like you can avoid I-80 altogether by heading out of Vallejo on Route 29 toward Napa until you reach Route 12, then East.
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Dooglas wrote:
Play with Google maps a bit using the "no highways" function. Looks like you can avoid I-80 altogether by heading out of Vallejo on Route 29 toward Napa until you reach Route 12, then East.
That would be better, but 12 is split at Cordelia and you do have to get on 80 for about half a mile. It's a cluster there. 12, 680, and 80 all come together and split from there. That's where I work. There are some back roads, but it's a long way around the barn.
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Ok. I don't think I explained myself well enough. Im not really looking for the LMGTFY responses--I appreciate it, but i can do that myself. I'm really looking more for some passionate insight like, "Omg! The 160 along the Sacramento River from Rio Vista is totally worth the time spent on I-80." Or some such jewel of not-to-be-missed advice.
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Oh, in that case.

Ferry to Vallejo
29 north to Napa
221 to 121
128 east through Winters(this is the awesome part)
Come into Davis and hit 80 across the causeway into Sac

On the way back take the farm roads west of Elk Grove along the deep channel to Rio Vista
Take 12 west back and see all the wind mills.
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dmpawley wrote:
128 east through Winters(this is the awesome part)
That's what I'm looking for--thanks again, dmpawley!
dmpawley wrote:
On the way back take the farm roads west of Elk Grove along the deep channel to Rio Vista
Take 12 west back and see all the wind mills.
This is a one way trip so I'll have to save that for the next time.

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What dmpawley said except from Davis to Sac you can take Road 102 to Woodland through nice smelling farm land, then take E Main Street out of Woodland east which turns into Old River Road, take the River Road into Sacramento through West Sac. The River Road portion is pretty, it only adds maybe 40 minutes to the ride, and you can stop at Whitey's Jolly Cone in West Sac for the famous fresh peach milkshake (if you're doing this soon!) Then over the Capitol Bridge into downtown.
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Purzell wrote:
What dmpawley said except from Davis to Sac you can take Road 102 to Woodland through nice smelling farm land, then take E Main Street out of Woodland east which turns into Old River Road, take the River Road into Sacramento through West Sac. The River Road portion is pretty, it only adds maybe 40 minutes to the ride, and you can stop at Whitey's Jolly Cone in West Sac for the famous fresh peach milkshake (if you're doing this soon!) Then over the Capitol Bridge into downtown.
Sweet! Thanks, Purzell.

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