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1980 P125X, 1978 P200 in pieces, 93 150 Exclusive (RIP)
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@kulezi avatar
1980 P125X, 1978 P200 in pieces, 93 150 Exclusive (RIP)
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Kalamazoo or close to there to be exact. I am looking for some help with this and am hoping that there is someone close that has some experience with shiftys and would be willing to lend a hand. I can bring beer and/or pay some for your time. Here's the smoof:

I've been working on a P200, dialing it in, and now, trying to get it running. I've done the cables and the carb, and the head, fuel system, replaced the green wire, etc, but have hit a snag with smoke coming from behind the flywheel (see previous post: Smoke from behind flywheel?!) and it seems the general consensus is that something in the wiring is messed up and I'll need a new stator and flywheel and to check the wiring. Also the compression is around 85. So maybe a new fly-side seal?

I'll be in Michigan the first couple of weeks of August and was hoping to get this thing running. Alternately, anyone know of any scooter shops that work on vintage? I've done a search, but came up with nothing. Thanks for any help...

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Location: East Lansing, MI
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Jon Gick (Gickspeed) down in Indianapolis is where I take my P200 for repair work. I haven't found anyone in MI who's really in the business. There used to be an older gentleman near Saugatuck who said that he did Vespa restoration work. I don't recall his name, but he used to have his business cards around at the Blue Star Antiques store just south of Saugatuck, and I'm guessing that the management there might know who he is.
@chrispa avatar

1964 V90, 1974 Rally 210, 1974 Primavera 135, 1974 Ciao, 1977 Rally 200, 1982 Bajaj Gopher RE (3 Wheeler)
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1964 V90, 1974 Rally 210, 1974 Primavera 135, 1974 Ciao, 1977 Rally 200, 1982 Bajaj Gopher RE (3 Wheeler)
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I live in Michigan City Indiana and can assist in getting your scoot dialed in! I am about 80 miles from you. I have a shop with lots of tools and a work stand. PM me for details. I always work for beer and pizza!
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