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1978 P150X; 1982 P200e
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1978 P150X; 1982 P200e
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Hey guys,

Leaving the city this weekend to a cottage and thinking about taking the P150X.

Trip will be mainly on 80km/h (50mph) roads. Ride will be about 150km. The P150 should be able to handle those speeds right?

I am riding stock with exception of a sito plus exhaust. I think I up'ed my main by two (to 102) if memory serves me right. Should I do the ride with a cooker plug (think I am using a B7hs)?


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1978 P150X; 1982 P200e
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@velasquez avatar
1978 P150X; 1982 P200e
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Sorry, a cooler plug (e.g. A B8 or B9)?
@ginch avatar

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@ginch avatar
74 Super, 75 Super, PX project, LML off-roader and '66 Blue Badge Smallframe
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Sounds good. Might be worthwhile taking a couple of richer jets and checking plug colour after some open road sections.
@roaringtodd avatar

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'04 Stella 2T GB150 '15 Genuine Roughhouse 50 '17 Kawasaki Versys 650
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Don't you mean B7ES?

On long trips where you will be riding wide out - I'd do the B8ES on my Stella.

Short trips, with lots of stop and go, you might be better served with the B7.

I've done 300 miles in one day on my Stella 150 without issues.
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