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I've had an odd noise from the hub for a bit and bought a new exhaust side bearing to fix it. Just haven't installed it yet, and now I have a new noise.

When starting from a complete stop it makes a noise for a second and there is a noticeable grabbing associated with it. When the noise stops the grabbing stops. It's only from a complete stop or what I perceive the clutch to be engaging.

Mileage is low-3800. Any ideas?

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The new thing sounds like a clutch issue on takeoff and might be something as simple as clutch chatter from excessive dust build up.

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So do you just blow compressed air or do you use brake cleaner spray to get rid of it?

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I blow compressed air through the case vent and holes for the shiny cover without removing the cover. I only use brake cleaner when the clutch is in my hand. Too much cleaner can wash out the lubrication of the internal clutch needle bearing and torque driver pins.

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It does sound like a clutch issue, as said above, not a bearing problem in the exhaust hanger. The best things to do is remove the tranny case and clean out the dust. Anything else is just a temporary fix. Use brake cleaner to clean the inside of the clutch housing (bell) to remove the resin that builds up in there. Next you need to remove the glaze (shine) that will be present on the clutch pads. Use some 100 or 80 grit emery paper (not sandpaper) to do that but use it on a small block of wood when doing this. Don't just use your fingers as you will almost certainly cause an uneven surface on the clutch pads if you do. This leads to the judder and noise coming back very quickly. You don't have to take much off the clutch pads, just enough to expose the clean unshiney surface of the friction material. So be gentle. The secret is to keep the clutch pad surface very even in the cross-plain and in the radius. Next, make sure you use plenty of throttle when moving off and regulate your speed accordingly once the clutch has engaged. This technique engages the clutch quickly without causing much slipping and heat, the cause of the noise and any judder. Folks who move off too gently suffer clutch noise and judder much more than folks who just take off with lots of throttle. Just allow the bike to move and wind on more throttle to fully engage that clutch and your troubles will be over for a very long time.

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Sounds good. I will break out the workshop manual and sandpaper and get it done this weekend. Thanks
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You might want to change your belt and rollers If the belt hasn't ever been changed it's at least 10yrs old. Rubber degrades over time. I always swap out the rollers when i do the belt even if they look good. Their cheap and then i don't have to go back in and change them when they go.You might have 2 things going on so i'd still clean the clutch.

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I was looking at the diagram for the clutch. Do I need some kind of holder or tool to stabilize the clutch bell to remove the nut to get to the clutch bell? I remember changing the belt/rollers about 10 years ago on my GTS200, it's all a little hazy now.

I've attached a picture of what I'm talking about.

Thanks for the suggestion on doing the other things while I have it apart.

Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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Sadly, many of the photos here have disappeared, but my clutch holding tool is still there:

Specialty Tools

You can buy one too, if not interested in making your own tools. I seem to remember there being two different sizes out there.

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Thanks- I checked and I still have the home made variator holder.

I hope to be fixed this weekend.
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The variator holder is different than the clutch tool holder. Jess taught me a trip one time: just use a 14: u-bolt. Works fine.

Stromrider described it perfectly.


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All fixed. Clutch operates quite nicely with no grabbing. thanks

As for the other noise,I replaced the exhaust hanger bearing but Ii really think the issue was slightly loose wheel bolts.
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