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@erez1984 avatar
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Hello everyone. Im new here.
Last month iv baught a 1970' super 150 8 inch wheel (vbc1t i guess after looking it on the web) after its been sitting around for about 20 years or so.
Luckily the engine turned up to be a good runner - after a gas tank + fuel tap + carborator cleaning it fired up, idle nicely and revs quick. The vespa isnt in a ridable state right now (its quite beated-up but soon will be rebuilt) so i dont know how the engine is pulling but it sounds healthy.
I have a few questions for you guys if i may.
1. Do i have a 2 port engine or a 3 port engine?
2. What top speed shuold i expect?
3. Im planning of making it a daily driver wich will include some (not much at all) highways. Should i think about a gearing upgrades?

Ill probably will have a lot more questions as i go along with it but thats for now.

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Re: VBC1T begginer questions thread
Erez1984 wrote:
Hello everyone. Im new here and new to Vespa's.
Last month iv baught a 1970' super 150 8 inch wheel (vbc1t i guess after looking it on the web) after its been sitting around for about 20 years or so.
Luckily the engine turned up to be a good runner - after a gas tank + fuel tap + carborator cleaning it fired up, idle nicely and revs quick. The vespa isnt in a ridable state right now (its quite beaed-up but soon will be rebuilt) so i dont know how the engine is pulling but it sounds healthy.
I have a few questions for you guys if i may.
1. Do i have a 2 port engine or a 3 port engine?
2. What top speed shuold i expect?
3. Im planning of making it a daily driver wich will include some (not much at all) highways. Should i think about a gearing upgrades?

Ill probably will have a lot more questions as i go along with it but thats for now.

Yay another Super! Welcome Erez!

1. A 2-port will only have a threaded hole in the back of the engine swing arm for mounting the exhaust. On a 3-port, the bolt hole will go all the way through the case.

2. Contrary to popular belief Supers were no slouches. Top speed was 50+. The gearing and small wheels made them quick and agile for city riding.

3. If you're only planning to do occasional highway riding, I'd leave the gearing alone. A bigger carb, a better exhaust, and a 177 cylinder kit are definitely recommended upgrades.

Good luck, keep us posted on your work!
@erez1984 avatar

Super 150 1970, VBB 1963, Sprint 150 1968
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@erez1984 avatar
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Re: VBC1T begginer questions thread
Thanks SoCalGuy!

Sounds like i leave the gearing alone for now and see how it fits my daily usage after ill finish it and start riding it.
As for the 2/3 ports ill guess ill find out when i take the muffler off
Mod's are welcomed and i sure do thinking about it. Kinda silly question but still - what fuel milage should i expect from it as sandart and what should i get after 177 kit + carb and a better exahust?

Thanks again.
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Where is Israel are you?
There are a few other locals on this site that may be able to assist
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Cool scoot, the rear section of the tunnel looks a little bit thin. Maybe check that out before you kit it for wheelies.
@erez1984 avatar

Super 150 1970, VBB 1963, Sprint 150 1968
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@erez1984 avatar
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SubEtherBASS wrote:
Where is Israel are you?
There are a few other locals on this site that may be able to assist
Tnaks Sub. Got the mechanic part in hands, just gathering from you guys some general knoledge about parts, mods and so on, theres always things to learn. In my avater theres a 63 vbb i just finished up for a freind, soon ill post pictures of her
PureDrivenSnow wrote:
Cool scoot, the rear section of the tunnel looks a little bit thin. Maybe check that out before you kit it for wheelies.
There are some section on the tunnel that rusted out and will be replaced and maybe beefed-up, but wheelies isnt one of the goals (for now... ).
@erez1984 avatar

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@erez1984 avatar
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Litlle update.
Today i pulled the wiring harnes and cables out, left her with only the engine and wheels on.
Allso checked the exahust hole in the engine swing arm and its going all the way thrue and has a nut in the other side - so i maybe i got lucky and i have 3 ports, But i dont 100% sure becaus it might be a hole that some mechanic drilled in the past after the threaded hole (if there was) got stiripped.
Another not-very-good-sign for it beaing a 2 port and not 3 is that the exahust have only one mounting tab that connects to the swingarm and not 2 - as i guess it should when having a bolt that goes all the way thrue the swing arm. Am i correct?
Later ill take the exahust off and try to see if the hole in the swing arm looks legit or looks like someone drilled it, maybe it'll tell something.
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Next step is to take the head off and lift the cylinder a little. Then you'll know for sure.
@erez1984 avatar

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Ill probably do it when ill take the engine off the vespa to do the bodywork.
For the mean time im curious and might lift the cylinder a bit to see and close it again for now with the current gasket. After ill finish the bodywork ill probably open the engine anyway to replace the seals and gaskets to start fresh, maybe bearings too, and maybe nothing... As i know myself in projects, ones ill open it ill replace everyting and all in all its a good healthy engine as it is so... a little dilemma but we'll see.
@erez1984 avatar

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Little update.
Took the engine out today and pulled the exahust off. Still cant say for sure if the swingarm hole wich can tell if its 2 or 3 ports is original or its tapped (2 port) that drilled out. Here's some pics-

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What do you think? original hole or drilled one?
The cylinder might come off but later on so for now im tryna figure out in other ways.
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Yeeech... hard to tell with all that caked on crud, but I'm guessing 3-port. Can you read the serial number?

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@erez1984 avatar

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@erez1984 avatar
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Took the top end and some other stuff off, tomorrow wil open the rest of the engine.
Starting with the 2/3 ports - no surprises here altho i hoped so - its a 2 port and it will stay that way.
Cylinder and head- on the cyinder head there's obvious sings of prssure leaking, maybe the last mechanic didnt torque the sutds well, maybe the head and cyinder surfaces need some leveling sanding, will do when ill put them back together-

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As for the cylinder bore itself i was quite surprised to see its in really good shape and have i minor wear scratches inside-

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Like the cylinder bore, after i cleaned the piston it allsow looks in a very good shape, i guess someone replaced it close to when this vespa went to its forced 20 years hibernation until today -

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Defently going to use both of these cylinder and piston again.
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Next is the lower end wich ill take apart tomorrow.
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