Yesterday, light comes on, shows zero bars. Ride my 10 mile RT commute, don't bother to fill up as I'm going to ride with Mrs. f to the farmer's market today and want to fill that tank on the same stop. This morning, we're running late, so decide to fill after the market. The light is still on, but now I'm showing one bar.
My office is a couple of blocks away, and we'd parked there. We take off to go get gas and go home, but we go two blocks and the GTS just coughs and dies. Restarts briefly, and that's the end. All considering, it's really hard to think I'm out of gas. So, decide to push it back to the office, leave my wife there, ride the LX home and pick up a gas can to fill....if that doesn't work, back for the trailer.
So, lady luck was with me....filled the tank, hit the starter, and she starts up, runs fine.

Going to play it safe(r) from now on.