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...proof of mailing address! As in scan them in. WTH?

I've been using this account for 15 years without this stuff.

Trying to buy a used mesh jacket on the ADV forum.

Am I being scammed? Really do NOT want to give them all this valuable info!

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I wouldn't. My PP act was breached. Anybody who wants a SS is fishing IMHO. I just used them (don't keep a card on file because of the breach) and i wasn't asked for that info. Give PP a call and tell them what happened. They took my info when mine happened. I hate the web sometimes. I even got a scammer when i posted my suede seat for sale in the section here on MV.
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Sounds scamish - I used PP last night, none of that was requested; been a user for many years... Don't do it...
Oh, and if this request was received via email - forward that email to: spoof@paypal.com
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judy wrote:
I wouldn't. My PP act was breached. Anybody who wants a SS is fishing IMHO. I just used them (don't keep a card on file because of the breach) and i wasn't asked for that info. Give PP a call and tell them what happened. They took my info when mine happened. I hate the web sometimes. I even got a scammer when i posted my suede seat for sale in the section here on MV.
Exactly! "Hi, your account has been compromised; please send us more personal info! ") Uh, yeah: no.
Nautiker wrote:
Sounds scamish - I used PP last night, none of that was requested; been a user for many years... Don't do it...
Poking around their customer service stuff is actually seems legit -- maybe someone did compromise my account and its been flagged -- but, still, as Judy points out, above, I still don't want to put that stuff in their hands.

Looks like I maybe going back to money orders and snail mail.
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T i just do one time PP transactions. That's worked for me (so far). Can't get around not using PP for certain things. Give PP a call. They were interested in what was going on with mine.
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I just logged into my PP account, and saw no info whatsoever about anyone providing any additional info...
If you got this 'request' via a supposedly authentic Paypal email, forward that email to"spoof@paypal.com" and otherwise ignore it... Just my 2¢...

Edit: I did find this thread - if you're trying to increase your credit limit, or some other action, apparently they are requesting the data... Truthfully, I'm not sure I'd give it to them... But that's just me...

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I use PayPal on a regular basis, including yesterday. I have received no similar information requests. I find PP very useful and would not readily give up its use. Talk with PP about whether this is a scam or an information request triggered by some action on your part. PP is, in effect, a bank so some information needs are probably inevitable. I would not, however, provide information in response to an incoming telephone, email, or other on-line request. Contact them through a valid phone number and discuss what happened. If they need something you are willing to share, provide it by a secure means.
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^^^ THIS ^^^

So how did PP contact you and ask for this info?

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DONT DO IT !!! I work for the Better Business Bureau and we see this type of scam everyday. Call them and make sure you are talking to rep. With PayPal. Don't ever give out this type of information in response to an Email.
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Yup, common with PP scammers. Just use that delete button when you receive an email like that. Don't go to any of the listed links. If in doubt, as above, call PP direct.
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I got an email, ostensibly from paypal, asking me to follow the link and log in to prevent closure of my account. I didn't do it. It was a scammer trying to steal my password.
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Hey all...this is actually not an email; it's all within the PayPal site itself. At firt I thought the site itself was a misdirect scheme, but it looks legit.

It looks like I can still use the $50 that's in there, and then I'll try Judy's one time method -- didn't know about that, so thanks!

And then, at some point when I have nothing better to do for an hour I'll phone them.

If I can remember how to operate a phone. I mean, not to take pictures etc.

Cuz, yeah, I got a feeling that Julian Assange and Vlad Putin are sitting over a laptop right now, in some skeezik Russian strip-club-slash-missle-silo, jusssst waiting....
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Title this one either "Hmmm..." or "Aha!"...

So, it actually let me send money -- all of it; I just couldn't "add money".

Actually, if this should be titled "Aha!", then perhaps some of you will suggest I add "Dumb Ass" to that title. ...???

In other news, I just went for an awesome four hour ride, and it looks like I'm gonna get this cheap, used mesh jacket to use while I find me a sweet leather one for if it ever cools down.
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I am telling you your being scammed/hacked. paypal does not ask for that info , someone has mirrored paypal look and is scamming you.

the legit phone number for them is 888-221-1161. they also have to issue you a special code that is only good for 60 minutes.

send that info from the spammer to spoof@paypal.com

also do a legit virus/hacker check on your computer. or use your cell phone to contact paypal thru an email.
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old as dirt wrote:
I am telling you your being scammed/hacked. paypal does not ask for that info , someone has mirrored paypal look and is scamming you.

the legit phone number for them is 888-221-1161. they also have to issue you a special code that is only good for 60 minutes.

send that info from the spammer to spoof@paypal.com

also do a legit virus/hacker check on your computer. or use your cell phone to contact paypal thru an email.
On it! Thanks!
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OAD is spot on. Amazing how the scammers can replicate a document. Mine looked legit but a "voice" was telling me it wasn't from PP. I've learned to listen to that "voice". Saves me a lot of time,money and cleaning up a mess if i do.
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The green section of the address bar says that your PC believes that to be the genuine paypal site, secured with an SSL certificate.

That's not 100% guaranteed it's true, so sign in to paypal on a different machine and check if the same thing is there, or give them a ring and ask.
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Another approach might be to ignore it and take a wait and see attitude. Continue to do your normal PP transactions. If they go through without a hitch, then you know the other was a spoof.
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NightWing wrote:
Another approach might be to ignore it and take a wait and see attitude. Continue to do your normal PP transactions. If they go through without a hitch, then you know the other was a spoof.
no a person needs to NOT do any transactions till it is safe to do so with a confirmation from paypal.

a good suggestion that someone else stated is to use a different computer and a different IP address.
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tdrake wrote:
Hey all...this is actually not an email; it's all within the PayPal site itself. At firt I thought the site itself was a misdirect scheme, but it looks legit.

It looks like I can still use the $50 that's in there, and then I'll try Judy's one time method -- didn't know about that, so thanks!

And then, at some point when I have nothing better to do for an hour I'll phone them.

If I can remember how to operate a phone. I mean, not to take pictures etc.

Cuz, yeah, I got a feeling that Julian Assange and Vlad Putin are sitting over a laptop right now, in some skeezik Russian strip-club-slash-missle-silo, jusssst waiting....
Got enuff tabs open? Razz emoticon
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I wasn't on the phone with PP that long. Now Sprint (my phone carrier) is a different story. You don't want to click on the email. I think it can send info to the scammer (so a friend says). Wouldn't chance it.
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New banking regulations forced paypal to gather additional information on their user accounts if they didn't have it already. My paypal account will not allow me to add funds to my account until I do a verification but I can still purchase using my credit card or bank account. I can also still receive funds. Just can't add them. YMMV.
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old as dirt wrote:
I am telling you your being scammed/hacked. paypal does not ask for that info , someone has mirrored paypal look and is scamming you.

the legit phone number for them is 888-221-1161. they also have to issue you a special code that is only good for 60 minutes.

send that info from the spammer to spoof@paypal.com

also do a legit virus/hacker check on your computer. or use your cell phone to contact paypal thru an email.
Forward to spoof@paypal.com
I had a similar e-mail request and sent it to PayPal. They confirmed it was indeed a phishing e-mail, and would never request that type of info.
I never open any attachments or click on a link with these types of e-mails.
They look legit but where you end up in trouble is opening attachments and going to any links.
BTW, I don't know what PayPal does about it, because I still get them.
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stickyfrog wrote:
New banking regulations forced paypal to gather additional information on their user accounts if they didn't have it already. My paypal account will not allow me to add funds to my account until I do a verification but I can still purchase using my credit card or bank account. I can also still receive funds. Just can't add them. YMMV.
I got that same thing a few years ago and simply don't add money to paypal Transactions still go through and that's all I need.
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I have to ask - why would you add money to a Paypal account? They insist you have a bank account or credit or debit card for payments in excess of your balance - and I'd only have a balance if someone else had paid me.
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I maintain a zero balance with PP. They have my bank account # to access for funds and my AMEX card # in case the bank doesn't clear. Usually, I select paying via the AMEX card when I make a purchase. The default setting is the bank account, so you have to be careful and find that line with the tiny print that allows you to select the card for payment.
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Whether you choose to add funds to a PayPal account or let PP access your linked account for payments is up to you. But more to the point, I can assure you that I have not received the above on-line information request from "PayPal" when adding funds to my account. This is assuredly a scam.
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I highly recommend you only use an checking account that has minimal funds in it for paypal. NEVER use your primary checking account for paypal.

if your bank and most do has online banking you can transfer money from your primary to your paypal checking then make your paypal transaction which if you elect to have the funds directly taken from your checkng account. this way NOBODY knows or has access to your primary checking.
I only leave a small balance in my paypal checking around $50. that way if I were ever to get scammed that the most the could ever get.
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jimc wrote:
I have to ask - why would you add money to a Paypal account? They insist you have a bank account or credit or debit card for payments in excess of your balance - and I'd only have a balance if someone else had paid me.
I agree. When I get a notification that someone sent me money, I immediately move it out of PP. I also use my CC rather than bank account to pay for things when I can to rack up the points.

Best Miguel
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jimc wrote:
I have to ask - why would you add money to a Paypal account? They insist you have a bank account or credit or debit card for payments in excess of your balance - and I'd only have a balance if someone else had paid me.
You know the answer Jim. To keep it out of the matrimonial books. Seriously though I have never had reason to add money to PP.
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old as dirt wrote:
I highly recommend you only use an checking account that has minimal funds in it for paypal. NEVER use your primary checking account for paypal.

if your bank and most do has online banking you can transfer money from your primary to your paypal checking then make your paypal transaction which if you elect to have the funds directly taken from your checkng account. this way NOBODY knows or has access to your primary checking.
I only leave a small balance in my paypal checking around $50. that way if I were ever to get scammed that the most the could ever get.
Yes a good point. I use a savings account that I never have more that 25 dollars in.
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I encountered the same thing with PP some time ago, this while trying to add funds. In the past I preferred to pay w/ PP balance, rather than generate a new CC charge. Very intrusive demands. Many times before trying to get SS #. This was not a scam/ phishing. PP is not a bank and I wont provide them with this info, if it comes to it, no more PP for me. When I phoned them, they backed off insisting on this info, but forget adding funds.
Someone I know recently searched their name on the web and got quite a surprise, all kinds of very personal info came up, even her fingerprint! Probably from using her employer security system!
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What a timely thread! Last night I confirmed a transaction with PP and was going to move the $$$ received into my bank account. I was prohibited from doing so, as PP could not confirm my identity. Really???

I did call and the young man on the phone told me the name associated with the listed telephone number on the account is not the same name as on the bank account. WTH does that have anything to do with anything? I asked the young man to repeat what he just said. He said it again. I then asked him, does that make sense to you? Hence, to confirm my identity, I would need to provide a SSN. Log back into my account and provide specific details.

I told him I have accounts older than him in both my maiden name as well as married name. I am not the only one out there with two surnames. Many people have three or four surnames. Not one institution has had issues with that, much larger than PP.

Not only NO, but no way in HE** will I give PP my SSN. The PP account already has a CC and bank account linked ... those two institutions have the SSN.

There are many other options available and will now begin looking into those.
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Tv's that watch us, refrigerators that look at our food and kitchen, iCloud, photo stream, phones which listen. Onstar. Autos than can be remotely disabled. Highly personal details of our lives easily available for all to see. It's a brave new world. If you feel you have nothing to hide, wait until tomorrow, when some "entity" decides what you've been doing all your life is now prohibited. Think about where all this is going.
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Miguel wrote:
jimc wrote:
I have to ask - why would you add money to a Paypal account? They insist you have a bank account or credit or debit card for payments in excess of your balance - and I'd only have a balance if someone else had paid me.
I agree. When I get a notification that someone sent me money, I immediately move it out of PP. I also use my CC rather than bank account to pay for things when I can to rack up the points.

Best Miguel
Yeah, that's basically what I was trying to say, above: I mistakenly tried to "add funds" to my "wallet" and, apparently to do so I'd need to supply the additional info; when I simply payed (or whatever the PP term is) the receiver, I had no problem.

I us PPal about once a year so simply couldn't remember the simpler means you both mention.
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rkcoker wrote:
Got enuff tabs open? Razz emoticon
only 12, and none being sketchy? is this some sort of boy scout?
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rkcoker wrote:
Got enuff tabs open? Razz emoticon
Ha, missed this before.

Dude, that's just the way I roll.
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GBH that fridge stuff is creepy. Wha? emoticon Don't need a inanimate object telling me what i have or don't have.

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