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jess wrote:
CC wrote:
I'd be a bit concerned when it rains.........
It's completely enclosed by the rear cowl and the cowl fairing.
What is the part number for this filter? Any pictures about the install?
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I don't know the part number. Glasseye and Rolf might know. You just basically measure the hose that the air filter connects to and find a filter with the same diameter.
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UberRhys wrote:
jess wrote:
CC wrote:
I'd be a bit concerned when it rains.........
It's completely enclosed by the rear cowl and the cowl fairing.
What is the part number for this filter? Any pictures about the install?
You can check with Jason at Battlescooter.com. He's got a bunch of them.
He wanted local folks to buy from him, but since your not local, he may be willing to share.
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K+N Bajaj
As I posted a few posts ago, I ran a K+N set up on a Chetak...where it hung down partially past the rear shock to get a lot of forced air. I ran this set up year round rain/snow/ etc with abosolutely no problems. As is on a GT/GTS stock filter...that scoop inlet on the bottom edge could bring in a bunch of water in the rain too. The scoot is able to handle it...don't worry about it. TubaJim
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Zoomin wrote:
Has there been anymore testing by anyone on the 250 k@n filter? I went to kn website and its not listed.....any part numbers?Any other observations pro or con?
Call Jason at Battlescooter.com. He has them. I don't think they're on the web site.

It's an easy upgrade and you won't believe the increase in acceleration and available mid range power you'll get on a GTS...besides the noticeable sound increase.
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Mine seems to be quite effective, gets filled with insects though!

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From the picture, that must surely interfere with the body due to the suspension movement!
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buddyphil wrote:
is that valves i can smell burning? Crying or Very sad emoticon

Can't believe I'm just seeing this!
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crackhead.......please be more specific
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more airflow = weaker mixture
not sure if there is enough scope for the ecu to compensate
think the first things to suffer will be the valves
pm box allows the system to be set up correctly on a dyno
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buddyphil wrote:
more airflow = weaker mixture
not sure if there is enough scope for the ecu to compensate
think the first things to suffer will be the valves
pm box allows the system to be set up correctly on a dyno
That's the one!
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Rhoodman wrote:
Mine seems to be quite effective, gets filled with insects though!

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YOUR HAVIN A GIRAFFE AINT YA Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
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smirnoff wrote:
Rhoodman wrote:
Mine seems to be quite effective, gets filled with insects though!

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YOUR HAVIN A GIRAFFE AINT YA Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
me, uh, nowhydoyouask???
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No crackhead, Smirnoff means me! That's a filter off my car, I only stuck it on for a laugh, just 'pullin yer leg'! Laughing emoticon
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Hi Chris, You had Budyphil hook line and sinker mate Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
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smirnoff wrote:
Hi Chris, You had Budyphil hook line and sinker mate Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
Knew he'd fall for it! Laughing emoticon
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K+N option
You can take you stock air box completely off...open it up. Get any car K+N filter that is as big...cut off the rubber edge, flatten it down somewhat. Crimp the mesh down where it fits just inside the place where the stock foam fit. Trim off the mesh so that only filter material will be sandwiched by the two halves of the air box. Screw it together...put it back on. You now have a rain protected K+N setup!! You can drill out the small air inlet while it is apart, but I'd wait and see if you need to. This setup adds tons of torque throughout the throttle range! Hitting 78mph with this + scorpion pipe.

Aftermarket cone style K+N looks like it would take in more air, and should under perfect conditions. But the fact that the stock box has a nice scoop inlet facing the louvers in the cowl, I'm not sure. You won't save any money this way, but might rest a little better about the rain thing. You might be able to buy 1 overly large K+N car filter and split the cost with another GT'er!!
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Re: K+N option
TubaJim wrote:
You can take you stock air box completely off...open it up. Get any car K+N filter that is as big...cut off the rubber edge, flatten it down somewhat. Crimp the mesh down where it fits just inside the place where the stock foam fit. Trim off the mesh so that only filter material will be sandwiched by the two halves of the air box. Screw it together...put it back on. You now have a rain protected K+N setup!! You can drill out the small air inlet while it is apart, but I'd wait and see if you need to. This setup adds tons of torque throughout the throttle range! Hitting 78mph with this + scorpion pipe.

Aftermarket cone style K+N looks like it would take in more air, and should under perfect conditions. But the fact that the stock box has a nice scoop inlet facing the louvers in the cowl, I'm not sure. You won't save any money this way, but might rest a little better about the rain thing. You might be able to buy 1 overly large K+N car filter and split the cost with another GT'er!!
But how can you be sure that scoots ecu will compensate for the additional air intake and richen the mixture enough uless you use the PM box and get the air fuel ratio checked.
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Air Fuel ratio
I have checked the plug often, it looks perfect. I did tweak the jet a bit. Polished the stock jet to open it just a tiny bit. I used some dental files...the kind they use to hand drill and clean root canals!! They are perfect for the job to just barely alter the stock jet...not even to the next size up. Anyway, the throttle response is super. Quite a bit more "throw you to the back seat ability". This is why I chose the GT 200....carb tweak-ability! TubaJim
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Sorry mate, didn't notice you have a GT, ie carb. the gts being injection is what i was getting at
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Has anyone been able to find a K & N part number for this?
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K & N parts numbers for the GTS-GTV are: air filter 599-RC-1890 - breather 599-62-1010. Both of these filters are in stock at JEGS.com.
How is this for straight forward information without the bull-shit you tend to get on this forum.
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Vesuvious wrote:
K & N parts numbers for the GTS-GTV are: air filter 599-RC-1890 - breather 599-62-1010. Both of these filters are in stock at JEGS.com.
How is this for straight forward information without the bull-shit you tend to get on this forum.
Thank you...

These are both separate air filters, Yes? What are the advantages of each? I was going to get the K & N and have my better half, who's a mechanic, install it but I noticed you posted the breather also...so now I'm curious.

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While we are on the topic, is there an upgrade route for the intake/airbox for the lx150?
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any pictures perhaps......
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Yeah, I'm very curious about doing this on my 150 LEADER engine as well. I have an ET4 and would love to have her breath a little better. Any insight would be great!
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I'd like to add a filter like that to my S 150. Is this possible? Is there anything else I'd need to do? Does anyone know what filter I'd have to use or where to get one?

This would be my first mod, so any help would be appreciated.
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i know this is old but have new part numbers
I have done some extensive testing on installing a K&N filter...

part number

RD 0-600

or you can use

RU 0-600

These two parts fit straight onto the black rubber piping from the throttle body... and fit under the cowling perfectly.

The results were quite astonishing and the noise isn't as bad as people on here make out hahaha it sounds awesome...

I did however post the results on another forum so will just provide a link.

the tests were also performed on a BV 250ie too

We tested the A/F ratio and everything was running as normal, the ECU in the Quasar is amazing!

Test results etc are here
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would this be worth boing on an et4? pre leader? i had terrible problems on my 2 stroke scoots in the past,
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lee131 wrote:
would this be worth boing on an et4? pre leader? i had terrible problems on my 2 stroke scoots in the past,
ET4 has a CV type carb and WILL not run with a K&N type filter .I have tried all types on mine and find the stock filter to be the best ! Try the red Mollosi foam filter to replace the stock one
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yeah pod filters are really effective on the EFI engines, but will quickly screw up a carby engine!!
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