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@brian_herwick_-_coolass avatar
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Hello all:

I am pleased to announce that Vespa Club of America and Genuine CoolAss have teamed up with a VERY special offer for Club members!

Check it out!




P.S. - We will also team up at Amerivespa 2017, July 6-9, in beautiful Seattle, Washington. CoolAss is proud to be associated with VCOA and has enjoyed attending and participating in Amerivespa for many years. Here are a couple of CoolAss-protected seats from past Amerivespas!
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⬆️    About 1 month elapsed    ⬇️
@jescka084 avatar

1969 Vespa Rally 180, 2014 Yamaha Bolt 950, 2015 Vespa Primavera 150, 2015 Honda Grom 125
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@jescka084 avatar
1969 Vespa Rally 180, 2014 Yamaha Bolt 950, 2015 Vespa Primavera 150, 2015 Honda Grom 125
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So glad to be partners with you, Brian! Thanks for making the VCOA be able to offer added value to our members!
@brian_herwick_-_coolass avatar

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@brian_herwick_-_coolass avatar
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VCOA and CoolAss
Jescka084 wrote:
So glad to be partners with you, Brian! Thanks for making the VCOA be able to offer added value to our members!
You are so very welcome! VCOA and Vespa owners worldwide have been very good to us over the past 12+ years. The least we can do is give back a little for all your business, loyalty, kind words and support.

Be safe!


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