In the Sci-Fi B-movie realm, this one stands out for me. It was the first Sci-Fi movie I can remember seeing, from the back of the family sedan at the drive in. Spaceship returning from another planet is found in earth orbit. There are two survivors from the original mission, one of whom has brought home a rather nasty infection.
Typical cold-war-era cast: a professor, a female scientist who mainly seems to clean and (I think) make coffee but also screams a lot when there are scary monsters, a mission commander who puts the moves on the female scientist, a functionary with a freeze-ray gun, a military officer.
Typical late 50s, early 60s special effects - scenes using negative images saturated in red, running rocket launches in reverse to simulate rocket landings - and a trip to one of our closest planetary neighbors. Boy were they pissed off to have earthlings show up on their doorstep...I mean, the whole darn planet was seeing red!