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Thanks Tikka, I never would have guessed

Okay, now the pictures. Should be an easy one.
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you got me
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Ah-ha! It takes a criminal mind to sleuth this one.
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Okay, C-bus, you gotta be high if you can't get this one.
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I can grab it, but I thought I would lay low because I was just 'it'

I'd hate to take all y'all to COURT. I mean is this COUNTY big enough for all of us or do I have to give all y'all MOORE of a hint.

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Yeah, you got it!
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Dmets, you better pick this up. I think the number of players is diminishing.
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I would be down there in flash if only I had a tire! Crying or Very sad emoticon

The guy who is going to fix it was closed on Monday then could not find a tire so ended up getting ordered late now I am in logistic limbo Crying or Very sad emoticon

Keep your fingers crossed for me that even if it comes in on Friday I can't get the bike to him until Sat.

Hey Scousermike did you call him, he said someone who I gave a card to called I figured it might be you.

That oldscooter guy was very interesting the other night he knew a lot about old scooters. Bikenight was cool the rain sucked.
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Twojacks, were you the only Easy Peasey representin' at Euro Bike? I'm sorry I missed it. Kinda.
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Oh no, Scousermike and Sally were there to. It was a bad night weather wise we were really risking it Hope everyone got home safe Clap emoticon
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Twojacks wrote:
The guy who is going to fix it was closed on Monday then could not find a tire so ended up getting ordered late now I am in logistic limbo Crying or Very sad emoticon

Hey Scousermike did you call him, he said someone who I gave a card to called I figured it might be you.
No, it twern't me.

But, glad you got home safe that night in the dark and the rain with that bald back tire.

From reading here and at the Cutter's site it looks like all the big boys got scared of the rain and the lightning on Euro night. 2Jacks can ride! Razz emoticon

Oldhighway7, that avatar is what nightmares are made of!
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Here ya go...
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ooooh. A tough one. You've upped the ante, Mike.
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Oi, yes I have!

hint: it's a house in Franklin County (I wonder just how many of those there are?)

There are a couple of subtle hints in pic.

Here's another perspective:
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I believe I know this one. The Rum Devil prohibits me from making my suspicion into solid fact. The writer in me feels a certain comraderie with the humble abode. Am I on the right track?
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Tag by Proxy...
My wife Suzanne wants in on the Scooter Tag action... "smets" is soon to arrive on the scene. While she awaits her new login email, she asked that I post this pic to make her "it". She will post her own "tag" picture later when her account is active.


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A plum vespa looks so much better in front of the Thurber House, I think.
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Welcome Ms. Mets, I'm ready for the next one!
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Hello! My account is finally active and I suppose I can "officially" participate instead of watching as Dustin does all this cool stuff. For the moment, I share his ET4 but we're working on getting me my own sometime soon.
Welcome Ms. Mets, I'm ready for the next one!
Thank you, and here you go.

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Thanks for letting me play! 8)

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Welcome Smets, cute helmet by the way. I think I know where this is check back on Wednesday and I will have it posted ! (

Oh and NO THANK YOU for playing. Looking forward to you joining us on some rides.
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Hi Twojacks Razz emoticon
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There you go! A plum Vespa looks lovely in front of the Drexel.

And thanks for the helmet compliment, Twojacks. It came with the ET4, but didn't fit dmets, so I lucked out. I hope to join in some rides someday soon!

(edited for bad spelling)
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Double damn. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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smets wrote:
There you go! A plum Vespa looks lovely in front of the Drexel.

Oh yeah! And a plum vespa is waaaay better than a gray GT60!

WooHoo, got in a double whammy 2day.

Just puts the pressure on me to come up with something really tuff.

Smets, did you stop in Thurber's House that day?
I did; first time there - after 30 years, I didnt know his house was right down the street. Always been a very big fan of his.
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By the time I got there, they were closed. I've been there but it's been quite a while so it would have been nice to see it again. I've always enjoyed Thurber, too. He's one of those authors I remember specifically learning about and liking in school, probably junior high? I thought it was so cool that he was from Columbus.

So I don't suppose anyone stayed at the Drexel for a movie? You guys were way to early in the day for that.
Double damn.
Awww...nice photo, though.
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Maybe next time...My downfall was running around town getting the follow-up picture. I'm loaded for bear this time, though! Bring it on, Mike. 8)
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Now this is becoming a game! Speed! Intrigue! Where to next?

Seems like I'll need to have a few "locations" with follow up pictures taken and ready to go next time...
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I'm hoping Mike takes a picture of his scoot in front of my house. Then, I'll be a contender for sure.
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Well you guys just better get a grip because a soon as I get a tire and back from the lake I'll just have to show you that Pearl is the very best color. Its for diva's of course you all know its a girls color. Eyelashes emoticon
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Well, I gave up on something tough, for something a bit more seasonal/topical (the next one will be tough )...
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Also a quick question is there a contingent riding their Italian Steel down to the Festival this weekend?

Also thought I would try a smaller pic this time...

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And for good measure . . . TAG!

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I don't think this one needs a hint... But I'll check back and if it does, I'll post one....
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Yes, on the Italian Festival. Meeting at the Worthington Mall, Sunday, 1:00.
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Stepped up the difficulty for this one.  At least, I think I did.
Stepped up the difficulty for this one. At least, I think I did.
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59 minutes. Less than one hour... That's great!
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Anyone need clues?
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I think I know where that is. Problem is, I'm down a scooter and up a four-year-old. No hints yet! 8)
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Yep. I do too... and I have the scooter right now!

(evil laugh)HA HA HA (/evil laugh)
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