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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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I have the Pinasco Flytech flywheel and stator. This week I'm going to do the wiring. The instructions are hard to figure out and apply to many different Vespa models but not the Smallframe 100, which has a 12 volt system already.
I think the Flytech is very similar to the Vespatronic.
If anyone has done an installation like this, any advice would be appreciated.
I'm a novice at best and electrical stuff is confusing
I am hoping since the scoot is already 12 volt, that I can follow what was there before.
The old stator had 5 wires, the new one has 4
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Can I transfer 12 volt power to accessories with this?
Can I transfer 12 volt power to accessories with this?
Old set up
Old set up
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100 sport wiring
100 sport wiring
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on the engine side, from the harness:

ignore the red. connect it to nothing.
connect yellow on the harness to the red/white wire from the stator.
connect purple on harness to the blue wire on the stator

connect blue on the stator to the CDI
connect red/black on the stator to the CDI and to green on the harness.

remove original regulator.

as the regulator is sittling on the table in your picture, label contacts left to ight, 1,2,3,4.

connect both purple wires to 1
connect black to 2
connect yellow to 3
connect a wire from 4 to the red wire going to the battery, on the other side of the fuse from the battery.
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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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@vpfalcon avatar
86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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Wow, that's great info.
Thanks Rob!
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