OK...here's how I do it.
Did it. Think of the kickstart as your emergency back-up.
If you think the kick start is the only way:
Make sure the ignition is on and the kill switch is on.
Stand next to the scooter and make super-frikkin sure that you have
real shoes on.
(This is another reason to have and use good riding shoes or boots. If you
do need to use the kickstart on the road and you only have flip-flops
Put the scooter up on its center stand and grip the grips.
Standing next to the scooter, place the arch of your right foot on the kickstarter and slowly push down a few times until you feel the kickstart "grab" at its highest position...then stop. Now it's properly engaged.
Get ready,
then push down fast and hard.
Then, most likely, you will repeat. And repeat.
You may have to do this several times before it starts.
After a while you get the hang of it.
Good luck.