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2009 Vespa GTV 250ie
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The Pacific Northwest - aka Cascadia - traditionally refers to the U.S. states of Oregon and Washington and the Canadian Province of British Columbia. It's an amazing region of biodiversity with mountains, rivers, forests, high deserts, breathtaking landscapes and harsh primeval geology. Not to mention its many, many hamlets, towns and flourishing metropolii. The PNW is also home to an astounding number of hard-core scooteristas, among whom I number myself.

This Scooter Tag is for all Cascadians, native, transplanted, visiting, and alien.

Also, if you tool around the backroads and smaller highways that criss-cross the PNW, you're bound to stumble across a number of fascinatingly odd local Roadside Attractions. So I'm starting out this Tag with -

A local Roadside Attraction -

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2009 Vespa GTV 250ie
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2009 Vespa GTV 250ie
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Cascadia: Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Idaho NorCal
Okay, let's expand the definition of CASCADIA to include -

The geographic region bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the West and the Cascade mountains on the East - OR ---

Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Norther California, Idaho, western Montana, Yukon and southeast Alaska!

So - come one, come all, fellow Cascadians --- for Cascadia Scooter Tag ---

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Ok, I'll try and bump this string along. Here is my wife's LX150 (which inspired me to find my own scoot) on the Pier during Seattles Seafair Week when the Navy comes to town. That is the USS John Paul Jones (from the movie Battleship).
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