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GTS300i.e. Nero Lucido off course
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@alfarosch avatar
GTS300i.e. Nero Lucido off course
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Very cool.
@lomunchi avatar

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@lomunchi avatar
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Beautiful countryside, nice scoots... but from you I expected some shots of pretty girls!!!
@pdxvespa avatar

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2005 Cobalt Blue ET4
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Beautiful. What a nice ride; thanks!

@alfarosch avatar

GTS300i.e. Nero Lucido off course
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@alfarosch avatar
GTS300i.e. Nero Lucido off course
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ciao lomunchi,

I took the pics while I was driving, in 1 hand the camera and with my left over hand Laughing emoticon I used the throtle and the brakes Whew emoticon
That is the reason that some pics are a bit out of focus. Nerd emoticon
After the ride we had a bbq and there were some pretty girls but the battery of my camera seemed to be empty

So please can you forgive me
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