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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@munibonds avatar
2007 Vespa GTS 250
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Nice example in good shape if it's real. What do you think? The Ebay item number is 180154960074 . I don't know how to do the whole link thing. Check it out. At least they are honest or seem to be about what it needs.
@irishtim avatar

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2005 Genuine Stella 150, 2008 Genuine Buddy, 2013 Piaggio BV 350, 2014 Piaggio Fly 150 3v
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Nice (and a good vintage scoot for those short of leg). Rmember though it's a 125 and won't be very fast. Also it is the Fall so bid as if the riding season were coming to an end.
@jimh avatar

MV Saint
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MV Saint
@jimh avatar
Haud yer wheesh't if ye cannae be nice
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Hey guys, This fellow was kind enough to answer all of my questions.
Theres no doubt it's the real deal and i am going to bid on it

Jet blue there
Uhaul home

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Olivia Newton-John
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Olivia Newton-John
@chad avatar
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luckily for me, i can drive there.
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@steve avatar
'06 Vespa LX150, '07 Suzuki Burgman 400, '05 Honda Metropolitan
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So who's c**r, n**o, and e**r, etc.? Let us watch y'all outbid each other!
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