The exchange is open now. You can send me a PM with your name and address whenever you want.
The gift ideally, should, but is not required to be scooter related. There is no price limit but try not to go overboard. I join every year and I typically spend about $20 plus shipping. A handmade gift could be practically free and very appropriate.
Some people have wondered how I include my name in the mix. I choose a random time beforehand to include my name. At that time I assign an A,B or C to myself. Who I get matched up with is random but I don't know of any way to keep from knowing the name of the person giving to me.
This is not a secret Santa exchange. I encourage everyone to put a note in the package with thier name and/or user name and to keep thier identity secret only until the package is opened. Having said that there are no hard rules. If you want to remain anonymous that's OK. If you want to tell the other person who you are before you send it that's fine too. If you need to know the person's gender, T-shirt size or whether a certain gift such as alcohol would be appreciated you can let me know and I will ask without giving away your identity. If you know a gift that would be perfect for a specific member let me know and I will match you up, provided that person is in the exchange and has not been matched up with someone else. If you do not want to give your real name and want to use only your user name thats fine but I will need a mailing address that I will give, only to the person giving to you. A PO box address is sucficent.
If I send you a name that you have given to in a previous year let me know and I will send you another. You might be surprised how often this happens and it is bound to happen more and more as the years go by.
I try to match people up on the same continent but that is not always possible because some parts of the world have few members. Most people in the US will recieve an address in the US. If you are OK with shiping overseas let me know. Some might not want to because there could be problems with customs or the price of shipping a large and/or heavy package.
I have been hearing a little grumbling about holiday creep for starting while the Haloween decorations are still up, however I have found that it's best to launch this in the first week of November. Some people are early adopters. Some like to spend time to shop and extra time may be needed for those shipping overseas. If you want to wait a while before signing up that's fine too. Everyone will be matched up with someone who joined about the same time they did. There is no cut off date. I never know who the last one to join is going to be.
Thankfully, in the past I have had very little problem with people who do not send a gift but if you are willing to fill in for possible deadbeats let me know.
You may want to wait to open your gift or, if you're like me you will open it as soon as you get it. I only ask that when you do open it take a picture and post it here so we all can see. That's my favorite part of the exchange.
Let's get started and remember to have fun.
⚠️ Last edited by vintage red matthew on UTC; edited 8 times