Had some small jobs to do.
Had to change someting in the cooling system.
When driving verry slow, and running idle, the engine temp was getting to high.
I first thought that the original waterpump had not enough flow for the crossflow radiator.
But it truned out i had 2 airlocks in the system.
Changed the system, made 2 extra points to bleed the system and now it is all okay.
The flexible hose that goes to the air filter under the seat was mechanically to weak.
After 1000Km there were already 2 small holes in the hose.
So changed the hose to a modified Gilera Nexus 500 hose from the 2005 model.
The new flexible hose is thicker, so the plastic cover that was above the old hose has to be changed.
Now i made this from metal.
The Gilera Nexus 500 hose, with a 45 degree alloy tube.
The metal cover is powder coated, and placed the Agip Sticker.
The Agip sticker is more correct with the construction year of the bike.
And today i drove it for the first time this year.
This was also the first time after the dyno setup.
The throttle respons is perfect, and the power....... bwah, nice!
Top speed, not tested yet.