Hello, I'm a new member here and as of Wednesday a new owner of a 2013 Vespa 300 GTS ie. When I purchased it, it had 960 miles. The store I purchased it from was 40 miles from where I live, so I rode the Vespa 46 miles home. I had no problems and it was a beautiful ride on A1A here in South Florida.
Thursday I took a short ride with no problems. Then my next ride the Check engine light came on, then went off. Then it came on to stay on.
I took it to the dealer here and the computer was showing the error was the battery was being over charged, but the battery was only charged to a little under 12 v.
The dealer told me they spent several hours on it Thursday and Friday and tried everything and they could only get the check engine light to go off when they replace the ECU.
The dealer said they've never heard of an ECU going bad before. The scooter store I purchased the scooter from said they've never heard of an ECU going bad before.
As you can tell from the mileage on this Vespa it was not ridden much over the past few years.
Any suggestions on what could be the problem?
I'm tempted to replace the battery first as I'm thinking it's the original battery. Then replace the voltage regulator as I've read on the posts here that that
is a common problem when the check engine light comes on.