Went through the front of my new-to-me S150 about a month ago and found a bunch of things that needed to be replaced/upgraded - brake pads (plates had rusted, knocking the pads loose), brake caliper (discovered corroded and frozen, binding the front wheel), master cylinder (stripped the screw heads while attempting to open, not worth surgery), Stebel horn, BT TPMS, jacked up the pilot jet to size 38, added a few more LEDs...and replaced the speedometer cable (cracked, leaking grease, and not functioning) and worm gear (a little worn, no way that was going back in after all the rest of this had been disassembled).
Note: it IS possible to feed that speedo cable up from the bottom. I loosened the shock nuts, spritzed the area with Teflon, and used a duct-tape "tail" to lead it through the small hole in the fender. It did, eventually, wander through. And the rest was easy...
...almost. Everything is up and running except the speedometer, and the reason is the new cable. The cable turns as the wheel revolves, counterclockwise, as it should. There is a white "keeper" on the speedometer side of the cable, I'll call it a ferrule, intended to guide the cable into the speedometer housing and, I believe, keep the cable from slipping down too far in the sleeve and out of the housing.
It initially did not allow enough of the cable end to poke out to engage the speedometer housing (see the difference in length in the photo below). I was able to adjust it to the old cable's length (green ferrule in photo) with a set of pliers, but that seems to have loosened its grasp on the cable overall somewhat, and it didn't stay put. I cleaned the lubricant off as best I could (ie, not very well) and added a dollop of superglue, to no avail. The cable just wants to slide down too far to stay engaged with the speedo gear.
What have I done wrong, and what should I do to get that darn square bit to stay in the speedo housing?