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Harbinger wrote:
Well this has been an interesting and confusing read Wha? emoticon

I'm pretty sure I side with JP on this but there seem to more underlying sub plots here than a GRRM novel. OK maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. More like one of his short stories.

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lostboater wrote:
I agree with Jet Peddler. This man designs and builds stuff with his hands. You chase magical electron beams. Do you have a truck? Do you know witness? Have you done this project before? If you answer NO to any of those questions I for one request you back off and let the man finish his story!

(JimC, I am sorry for my rant and I won't do it again)
First Yes I had a 2000 Ford super Duty with a Power Stroke Diesel for 13 years!
Towed 25 foot travel trailer with TWO ATV's on bed rail racks. So I was about 15,000 pounds and had a very upgraded transmission cooling system.
Went on tours on the Ford Truck Plant and International engine plant that built the truck and trans with a Ford Power Stroke Rally Group of about 100 people and had a meetings with Ford and International.
Ford and International stressed the Fact that the trans was the weak link.

And I have 4 years of formal class room and lab training in Automotive technology if you count high school auto shop and collage.
Worked a few year at a dealer as a auto tech.

So I am NOT talking out my ASS! Have a little background knowledge in towing and drivetrains. And the truck

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fledermaus wrote:
Harbinger wrote:
Well this has been an interesting and confusing read Wha? emoticon

I'm pretty sure I side with JP on this but there seem to more underlying sub plots here than a GRRM novel. OK maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. More like one of his short stories.

Modern Vespa at it's best. 8)

Our motto should be "Leave no Stone Unturned."
In that realm of thought (MV as no stone left un-turned) and given that I am feeling sort of "brave" today...

My concern with the design as shown is that when the rig goes into, say, a gas station, with the often present water trough dip in the concrete, near the street, the front carrier will bottom out hard enough to grind away at the bottom when entering or leaving?
My RV trailer has bumpers on the rear corners and yet experiences a bump fairly often in this circumstance from the overhung extension.

I got the evil eye before and have stayed away from this build project since then, but my comment today is, in fact, well intended.
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Kantuckid wrote:
My concern with the design as shown is that when the rig goes into, say, a gas station, with the often present water trough dip in the concrete, near the street, the front carrier will bottom out hard enough to grind away at the bottom when entering or leaving?
My RV trailer has bumpers on the rear corners and yet experiences a bump fairly often in this circumstance from the overhung extension.
I think you're right, Kantuckid. A hitch receiver I added to my car bottomed out on my sloped driveway. But I think we'll have to wait until witness tries it out. Hopefully he'll take it gently the first few times. Anyway, I'm sure he has the skills to make corrections if necessary. It is a beautiful job!
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