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'57 VN2, '70 180 Rally, '80 P150X, '80 P200E, '05 GT200
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'57 VN2, '70 180 Rally, '80 P150X, '80 P200E, '05 GT200
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If I replace the SI 20.20 carb on my 180 Rally with a SI 24.24 carb, would I notice a difference in performance, or would I just waste my time?
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63 GL, 76 Super (x2), 74 Primavera (x2), 79 P200, 06 Fly 150
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Without other engine modifications, I'd say no.
@danie avatar

'57 VN2, '70 180 Rally, '80 P150X, '80 P200E, '05 GT200
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'57 VN2, '70 180 Rally, '80 P150X, '80 P200E, '05 GT200
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If I want to get a little more performance out of my 180, will it help if I change the main jet? At present it is a 118. Must I go bigger or smaller?
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1960 Series 2 Lambretta, 1962ish API series 2 Lambretta, 1974 Vespa Super 150, 1978 Rally 200, 1965 Allstate VNB, 1980 P200e
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I'd say ride the Rally 200 instead.

Seriously though -- just upjetting won't do anything except make the bike too rich. If you're going to do something to let more fuel in you also need to do something to let more air in and exhaust out.

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Jet Eye Master
PX221 MHR, PX200 O tuned, PX181 M1XL, PX125 O tuned and some motorbikes
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pemkt wrote:
Seriously though -- just upjetting won't do anything except make the bike too rich. If you're going to do something to let more fuel in you also need to do something to let more air in and exhaust out.
Well said. Especially with an old scooter the first thing to do is make sure it all is as it should be in the motor. Things like the carb/box/casing don't line up. The piston ports don't match with the cylinder ports. There is 20 years of carbon build up in the exhaust port. These kind of things.
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