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1967 VBC 150 (Sold) 2013 SYM Wolf Classic (Write-off) 2005 PX150 2016 Primavera 150
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Hey everyone, I've decided the add a 07 Fly 50 to my fleet of scooters (I got it more so as my beater scooter) it's in good cosmetic shape, been sitting for 3 years, buying it from a nice woman who now has kids and cant ride it anymore. Apparently it has a name "scoots"

It has 9,700 Kms
Dead battery

I wanted to do the basic maintenance myself, researched online and the manual I found doesnt specify any year range.

So far I have...
Spark Plug: CR8E NGK
Oil: 5W40
Brake Fluid: DOT 4
Got some Small engine system treatment

Some Input would be appreciated if any of that is incorrect or anyone has anything else to chime in. Thanks!
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ET2 2004
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Hi I just bought a secondhand haynes manual off a member on here for my ET2, that covers the fly too. I started a thread asking about manuals a couple of weeks ago (can you search by my username?)and someone posted a link to one online if that's any help to you.
Enjoy 'scoots'!
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I doubt theres going to be any major changes between years since the Fly line was a mechanical copy of the LX scoots but with plastic body panels. Have you looked for a LX50 manual within the date range of your scoot? That might give you the exact specs youre searching for. The free workshop manuals in the Wiki section doesnt show a date listed for the Fly 50 4T, but its close enough for most scooter stuff.

Here's the things I'd check before trying to get it running (just running, not actually riding it around)

1. Remove the spark plug, put some oil in the cylinder and use the kick starter to spin the motor. Does it spin?
2. Is the gas tank clean and empty? Or does it smell sweet and look brownish? You want clean and empty.
3. What condition is the foam air filter?
4. Pull the carb. Is it spotless? If not, it needs to be.
5. What condition is the rubber intake manifold in? Any tears?
6. What color is the oil on the dipstick? Is there even oil?
7. Are the rubber hoses that run over the top of the engine intact? Those are a combination of fuel and vacuum lines.
8. Any indication of pests living in there? Any chewed wires?

If it passed all that I'd put some brand new gas in it and try to get it to fire. Once sputtering and able to rev up down, start focusing on making it reliable and then rideable.
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